Source code for nifty8.library.correlated_fields_simple

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright(C) 2013-2020 Max-Planck-Society
# Author: Philipp Arras
# NIFTy is being developed at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik.

from warnings import warn

import numpy as np

from ..domain_tuple import DomainTuple
from import PowerSpace
from ..operators.adder import Adder
from ..operators.contraction_operator import ContractionOperator
from ..operators.distributors import PowerDistributor
from ..operators.harmonic_operators import HarmonicTransformOperator
from ..operators.normal_operators import LognormalTransform, NormalTransform
from ..operators.simple_linear_operators import ducktape
from ..operators.value_inserter import ValueInserter
from ..sugar import full, makeField, makeOp
from .correlated_fields import (_log_vol, _Normalization,
                                _relative_log_k_lengths, _SlopeRemover,

[docs] def SimpleCorrelatedField( target, offset_mean, offset_std, fluctuations, flexibility, asperity, loglogavgslope, prefix="", harmonic_partner=None, ): """Simplified version of :class:`~nifty8.library.correlated_fields.CorrelatedFieldMaker`. Assumes `total_N = 0`, `dofdex = None` and the presence of only one power spectrum, i.e. only one call of :func:`~nifty8.library.correlated_fields.CorrelatedFieldMaker.add_fluctuations`. See also -------- * The simple correlated field model has first been described in "Comparison of classical and Bayesian imaging in radio interferometry", A&A 646, A84 (2021) by P. Arras et al. `<>`_ Consider citing this paper, if you use the simple correlated field model. """ target = DomainTuple.make(target) if len(target) != 1: raise ValueError target = target[0] if harmonic_partner is None: harmonic_partner = target.get_default_codomain() else: target.check_codomain(harmonic_partner) harmonic_partner.check_codomain(target) for kk in (fluctuations, loglogavgslope): if len(kk) != 2: raise TypeError for kk in (offset_std, flexibility, asperity): if not (kk is None or len(kk) == 2): raise TypeError if flexibility is None and asperity is not None: raise ValueError fluct = LognormalTransform(*fluctuations, prefix + 'fluctuations', 0) avgsl = NormalTransform(*loglogavgslope, prefix + 'loglogavgslope', 0) pspace = PowerSpace(harmonic_partner) twolog = _TwoLogIntegrations(pspace) expander = ContractionOperator(twolog.domain, 0).adjoint ps_expander = ContractionOperator(pspace, 0).adjoint vslope = makeOp(makeField(pspace, _relative_log_k_lengths(pspace))) slope = vslope @ ps_expander @ avgsl a = slope if flexibility is not None: flex = LognormalTransform(*flexibility, prefix + 'flexibility', 0) dom = twolog.domain[0] vflex = np.empty(dom.shape) vflex[0] = vflex[1] = np.sqrt(_log_vol(pspace)) vflex = makeOp(makeField(dom, vflex)) sig_flex = vflex @ expander @ flex xi = ducktape(dom, None, prefix + 'spectrum') shift = np.empty(dom.shape) shift[0] = _log_vol(pspace)**2 / 12. shift[1] = 1 shift = makeField(dom, shift) if asperity is None: asp = makeOp(shift.ptw("sqrt")) @ (xi*sig_flex) else: asp = LognormalTransform(*asperity, prefix + 'asperity', 0) vasp = np.empty(dom.shape) vasp[0] = 1 vasp[1] = 0 vasp = makeOp(makeField(dom, vasp)) sig_asp = vasp @ expander @ asp asp = xi*sig_flex*(Adder(shift) @ sig_asp).ptw("sqrt") a = a + _SlopeRemover(pspace, 0) @ twolog @ asp a = _Normalization(pspace, 0) @ a maskzm = np.ones(pspace.shape) maskzm[0] = 0 maskzm = makeOp(makeField(pspace, maskzm)) a = (maskzm @ ((ps_expander @ fluct)*a)) if offset_std is not None: zm = LognormalTransform(*offset_std, prefix + 'zeromode', 0) insert = ValueInserter(pspace, (0,)) a = a + insert(zm) a = a.scale(target.total_volume) ht = HarmonicTransformOperator(harmonic_partner, target) pd = PowerDistributor(harmonic_partner, pspace) xi = ducktape(harmonic_partner, None, prefix + 'xi') op = ht(pd(a)*xi) if offset_mean is not None: op = Adder(full(, float(offset_mean))) @ op op.amplitude = a op.power_spectrum = a**2 try: from .. import RGSpace from .. import re as jft if not all(isinstance(dom, RGSpace) for dom in # warn(f"unable to add JAX operator for {!r}") raise ImportError("short-circuit JAX init") dists = tuple(e for di in for e in di.distances) cfm = jft.CorrelatedFieldMaker(prefix=prefix) cfm.add_fluctuations(, distances=dists, fluctuations=fluctuations, loglogavgslope=loglogavgslope, flexibility=flexibility, asperity=asperity, prefix="", harmonic_type="fourier", non_parametric_kind="power", ) cfm.set_amplitude_total_offset( offset_mean=offset_mean, offset_std=offset_std ) cf = cfm.finalize() op._jax_expr = cf op.amplitude._jax_expr = cfm.amplitude op.power_spectrum._jax_expr = cfm.power_spectrum except (ImportError, TypeError) as e: pass # if isinstance(e, TypeError): # warn(f"no JAX operator for this configuration;\n{e}") return op