Source code for nifty8.minimization.optimize_kl

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright(C) 2021 Max-Planck-Society
# Copyright(C) 2022 Max-Planck-Society, Philipp Arras
# Author: Philipp Arras
# NIFTy is being developed at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik.

import pickle
from functools import reduce
from os import makedirs
from os.path import isdir, isfile, join
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np

from ..domain_tuple import DomainTuple
from ..multi_domain import MultiDomain
from ..multi_field import MultiField
from ..operators.counting_operator import CountingOperator
from ..operators.energy_operators import StandardHamiltonian
from ..operators.operator import Operator
from ..operators.scaling_operator import ScalingOperator
from ..plot import Plot, plottable2D
from ..sugar import from_random
from ..utilities import (Nop, check_MPI_equality,
                         check_MPI_synced_random_state, check_object_identity,
from .energy_adapter import EnergyAdapter
from .iteration_controllers import EnergyHistory, IterationController
from .kl_energies import SampledKLEnergy
from .minimizer import Minimizer
from .sample_list import (ResidualSampleList, SampleList, SampleListBase,

_output_directory = None
_save_strategy = None

[docs] def optimize_kl(likelihood_energy, total_iterations, n_samples, kl_minimizer, sampling_iteration_controller, nonlinear_sampling_minimizer, constants=[], point_estimates=[], transitions=None, export_operator_outputs={}, output_directory=None, initial_position=None, initial_index=0, comm=None, inspect_callback=None, terminate_callback=None, plot_energy_history=True, plot_minisanity_history=True, save_strategy="last", return_final_position=False, resume=False, sanity_checks=True, dry_run=False): """Provide potentially useful interface for standard KL minimization. The parameters `likelihood_energy`, `kl_minimizer`, `sampling_iteration_controller`, `nonlinear_sampling_minimizer`, `constants`, `point_estimates` and `comm` also accept a function as input that takes the index of the global iteration as input and returns the respective value that should be used for that iteration. High-level pseudo code of the algorithm, that is implemented by `optimize_kl`: .. code-block:: none for ii in range(initial_index, total_iterations): samples = Draw `n_samples` approximate samples(position, likelihood_energy sampling_iteration_controller, nonlinear_sampling_minimizer, point_estimates) position, samples = Optimize approximate KL(likelihood_energy, samples) with `kl_minimizer`(constants) Save intermediate results(samples) Parameters ---------- likelihood_energy : Operator or callable Likelihood energy shall be used for inference. It is assumed that the definition space of this energy contains parameters that are a-priori standard normal distributed. It needs to have a MultiDomain as Domain. total_iterations : int Number of resampling loops. n_samples : int or callable Number of samples used to sample Kullback-Leibler divergence. 0 corresponds to maximum-a-posteriori. kl_minimizer : Minimizer or callable Controls the minimizer for the KL optimization. sampling_iteration_controller : IterationController or None or callable Controls the conjugate gradient for inverting the posterior metric. If `None`, approximate posterior samples cannot be drawn. It is only suited for maximum-a-posteriori solutions. nonlinear_sampling_minimizer : Minimizer or None or callable Controls the minimizer for the non-linear geometric sampling to approximate the KL. Can be either None (then the MGVI algorithm is used instead of geoVI) or a Minimizer. constants : list or callable List of parameter keys that are kept constant during optimization. Default is no constants. point_estimates : list or callable List of parameter keys for which no samples are drawn, but that are (possibly) optimized for, corresponding to point estimates of these. Default is to draw samples for the complete domain. transitions : callable or None Function that takes the global iteration index and returns a function that is applied at the beginning of each iteration to the current ResidualSampleList. This can be used if parts of the likelihood_energy are replaced and thereby have a different domain. If None is passed or returned in one iteration, no transition will be applied. Default is None. export_operator_outputs : dict Dictionary of operators that are exported during the minimization. The key contains a string that serves as identifier. The value of the dictionary is an operator. output_directory : str or None Directory in which all output files are saved. If None, no output is stored. Default: None. initial_position : :class:`nifty8.field.Field`, :class:`nifty8.multi_field.MultiField` or None Position in the definition space of `likelihood_energy` from which the optimization is started. If `None`, it starts at a random, normal distributed position with standard deviation 0.1. Default: None. initial_index : int Initial index that is used to enumerate the output files. May be used if `optimize_kl` is called multiple times. Default: 0. comm : MPI communicator or None MPI communicator for distributing samples over MPI tasks. If `None`, the samples are not distributed. Default: None. inspect_callback : callable or None Function that is called after every global iteration. It can be either a function with one argument (then the latest sample list is passed), a function with two arguments (in which case the latest sample list and the global iteration index are passed). Default: None. terminate_callback : callable or None Function that is called after every global iteration and after `inspect_callback` if present. It can be either None or a function that takes the global iteration index as input and returns a boolean. If the return value is true, the global loop in `optimize_kl` is terminated. Default: None. plot_energy_history : bool Determine if the KLEnergy values shall be plotted or not. Default: True. plot_minisanity_history : bool Determine if the reduced chi-square values computed by minisanity shall be plotted or not. Default: True. save_strategy : str If "last", the samples are saved after each global iteration and overwrite older saved samples so that only the latest ones are kept. If "all", all intermediate samples are written to disk and the filename contains the `global_iteration` so that nothing is overwritten. `save_strategy` is only applicable if `output_directory` is not None. Default: "last". return_final_position : bool Determine if the final position of the minimization shall be return. May be useful to feed it as `initial_position` into another `optimize_kl` call. Default: False. resume : bool Resume partially run optimization. If `True` and `output_directory` contains `last_finished_iteration`, `initial_index` and `initial_position` are ignored and read from the output directory instead. If `last_finished_iteration` is not a file, the value of `initial_position` is used instead. Default: False. sanity_checks : bool Some sanity checks that are evaluated at the beginning. They are potentially expensive because all likelihoods have to be instantiated multiple times. Default: True. dry_run : bool Skips all expensive optimizations. Can be used to check that all domains fit together. Default: False. Returns ------- sl : SampleList mean : :class:`nifty8.field.Field` or :class:`nifty8.multi_field.MultiField` (optional) Note ---- If `h5py` is available, the output of all plotted operators is saved as hdf5 file as well. If `astropy` is available, the mean and standard deviation of all plotted operators, that have a single 2d-RGSpace as target, are exported as FITS files. Note ---- This function comes with some MPI support. Generally, with the help of MPI samples are distributed over tasks. """ from ..utilities import myassert from .descent_minimizers import DescentMinimizer from ..sugar import full, makeDomain if not isinstance(export_operator_outputs, dict): raise TypeError if len(set(["pickle"]) & set(export_operator_outputs.keys())) != 0: raise ValueError("The key `pickle` in `export_operator_outputs` is reserved.") if not isinstance(initial_index, int): raise TypeError if save_strategy not in ["all", "last"]: raise ValueError(f"Save strategy '{save_strategy}' not supported.") if output_directory is None and resume: raise ValueError("Can only resume minimization if output_directory is not None") likelihood_energy = _make_callable(likelihood_energy) kl_minimizer = _make_callable(kl_minimizer) sampling_iteration_controller = _make_callable(sampling_iteration_controller) nonlinear_sampling_minimizer = _make_callable(nonlinear_sampling_minimizer) constants = _make_callable(constants) point_estimates = _make_callable(point_estimates) transitions = _make_callable(transitions) n_samples = _make_callable(n_samples) comm = _make_callable(comm) inspect_callback = _make_callable(inspect_callback) if terminate_callback is None: terminate_callback = _make_callable(False) if initial_position is None: mean = full(makeDomain({}), 0.) else: mean = initial_position del(initial_position) sl = _single_value_sample_list(mean, comm=comm(initial_index)) energy_history = EnergyHistory() # Sanity check of input if initial_index >= total_iterations: raise ValueError("Initial index is bigger than total iterations: " f"{initial_index} >= {total_iterations}") if _number_of_arguments(transitions) != 1: raise ValueError(f"Transition takes 1 argument but {_number_of_arguments(transitions)} were given.") if _number_of_arguments(inspect_callback) not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError(f"Inspect callback takes either 1 or 2 arguments but {_number_of_arguments(inspect_callback)}" f"were given.") if _number_of_arguments(terminate_callback) !=1: raise ValueError(f"Terminate callback takes 1 argument but {_number_of_arguments(terminate_callback)} were given.") if not likelihood_energy(initial_index).target is DomainTuple.scalar_domain(): raise TypeError if sanity_checks: # Potentially expensive sanity checks for iglobal in range(initial_index, total_iterations): for (obj, cls) in [(likelihood_energy, Operator), (kl_minimizer, DescentMinimizer), (nonlinear_sampling_minimizer, (DescentMinimizer, type(None))), (constants, (list, tuple)), (point_estimates, (list, tuple)), (n_samples, int)]: if not isinstance(obj(iglobal), cls): s = f"{obj(iglobal)} is not instance of {cls} but rather {type(obj(iglobal))}" raise TypeError(s) if sampling_iteration_controller(iglobal) is None: myassert(n_samples(iglobal) == 0) else: myassert(isinstance(sampling_iteration_controller(iglobal), IterationController)) myassert(likelihood_energy(iglobal).target is DomainTuple.scalar_domain()) if not comm(iglobal) is None: try: import mpi4py myassert(isinstance(comm(iglobal), mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm)) except ImportError: pass # /Sanity check of input if output_directory is not None: global _output_directory global _save_strategy _output_directory = output_directory _save_strategy = save_strategy # Create all necessary subfolders if _MPI_master(comm(initial_index)): makedirs(output_directory, exist_ok=True) subfolders = ["pickle"] + list(export_operator_outputs.keys()) if plot_energy_history: subfolders += ["energy_history"] if plot_minisanity_history: subfolders += ["minisanity_history"] for subfolder in subfolders: makedirs(join(output_directory, subfolder), exist_ok=True) # Resume lfile = join(output_directory, "last_finished_iteration") if resume and isfile(lfile): with open(lfile) as f: last_finished_index = int( initial_index = last_finished_index + 1 fname = _file_name_by_strategy(last_finished_index) fname = reduce(join, [output_directory, "pickle", fname]) if isfile(fname + ".mean.pickle"): mean = ResidualSampleList.load_mean(fname) sl = ResidualSampleList.load(fname) else: sl = SampleList.load(fname) myassert(sl.n_samples == 1) mean = sl.local_item(0) _load_random_state(last_finished_index) energy_history = _pickle_load_values(last_finished_index, 'energy_history') if initial_index == total_iterations: if isfile(fname + ".mean.pickle"): sl = ResidualSampleList.load(fname) return (sl, mean) if return_final_position else sl for iglobal in range(initial_index, total_iterations): lh = likelihood_energy(iglobal) if not isinstance(lh.domain, MultiDomain): raise TypeError("Domain of likelihood_energy needs to be a MultiDomain, " f"got\n{lh.domain}") # Transform mean t = transitions(iglobal) mean = mean if t is None else t(sl) mean = _normal_initialize(mean, lh.domain) # /Transform mean count = CountingOperator(lh.domain) ham = StandardHamiltonian(lh @ count, sampling_iteration_controller(iglobal)) minimizer = kl_minimizer(iglobal) mean_iter = mean.extract(ham.domain) if dry_run: from ..logger import logger"Iteration {iglobal} checked") continue # TODO Distributing the domain of the likelihood is not supported (yet) check_MPI_synced_random_state(comm(iglobal)) check_MPI_equality(lh.domain, comm(iglobal)) check_MPI_equality(mean.domain, comm(iglobal)) check_MPI_equality(mean, comm(iglobal), hash=True) # free memory of old samples before drawing new ones sl = None if n_samples(iglobal) == 0: e = EnergyAdapter(mean_iter, ham, constants=constants(iglobal), want_metric=_want_metric(minimizer)) if comm(iglobal) is None: e, _ = minimizer(e) mean = MultiField.union([mean, e.position]) sl = SampleList([mean]) energy_history.append((iglobal, e.value)) else: warn("Have detected MPI communicator for optimizing Hamiltonian. Will use only " "the rank0 task and communicate the result afterwards to all other tasks.") if _MPI_master(comm(iglobal)): e, _ = minimizer(e) energy_history.append((iglobal, e.value)) mean = MultiField.union([mean, e.position]) else: mean = None _barrier(comm(iglobal)) mean = comm(iglobal).bcast(mean, root=0) sl = _single_value_sample_list(mean, comm(iglobal)) else: e = SampledKLEnergy( mean_iter, ham, n_samples(iglobal), nonlinear_sampling_minimizer(iglobal), comm=comm(iglobal), constants=constants(iglobal), point_estimates=point_estimates(iglobal)) e, _ = minimizer(e) mean = MultiField.union([mean, e.position]) sl = energy_history.append((iglobal, e.value)) if output_directory is not None: _export_operators(iglobal, export_operator_outputs, sl, comm(iglobal)), "pickle/") + _file_name_by_strategy(iglobal), overwrite=True) _save_random_state(iglobal) if _MPI_master(comm(iglobal)): with open(join(output_directory, "last_finished_iteration"), "w") as f: f.write(str(iglobal)) _pickle_save_values(iglobal, 'energy_history', energy_history) if plot_energy_history: _plot_energy_history(iglobal, energy_history) _barrier(comm(iglobal)) _minisanity(lh, iglobal, sl, comm, plot_minisanity_history) _barrier(comm(iglobal)) _counting_report(count, iglobal, comm) _handle_inspect_callback(inspect_callback, sl, iglobal) _barrier(comm(iglobal)) if _handle_terminate_callback(terminate_callback, iglobal, comm): break _barrier(comm(iglobal)) lh = None return (sl, mean) if return_final_position else sl
def _file_name(name, index, prefix=""): op_direc = join(_output_directory, name) return join(op_direc, f"{prefix}{index:03d}.png") def _file_name_by_strategy(iglobal, save_strategy='global_strategy'): if save_strategy == 'global_strategy': save_strategy = _save_strategy if save_strategy == "all": return f"iteration_{iglobal}" elif save_strategy == "last": return "last" raise RuntimeError def _save_random_state(index): from ..random import getState file_name = join(_output_directory, "pickle/nifty_random_state_") file_name += _file_name_by_strategy(index) with open(file_name, "wb") as f: f.write(getState()) def _load_random_state(index): from ..random import setState file_name = join(_output_directory, "pickle/nifty_random_state_") file_name += _file_name_by_strategy(index) with open(file_name, "rb") as f: setState( def _pickle_save_values(index, name, val): file_name = join(_output_directory, f"pickle/{name}_") file_name += _file_name_by_strategy(index) with open(file_name, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(val, f) def _pickle_load_values(index, name): file_name = join(_output_directory, f"pickle/{name}_") file_name += _file_name_by_strategy(index) with open(file_name, "rb") as f: val = pickle.load(f) return val def _export_operators(index, export_operator_outputs, sample_list, comm): if not isinstance(export_operator_outputs, dict): raise TypeError if not isdir(_output_directory): raise RuntimeError(f"{_output_directory} does not exist") if not isinstance(sample_list, SampleListBase): raise TypeError try: import h5py except ImportError: h5py = False try: import astropy except ImportError: astropy = False for name, op in export_operator_outputs.items(): if not _is_subdomain(op.domain, sample_list.domain): continue op_direc = join(_output_directory, name) if sample_list.n_samples > 1: cfg = {"samples": True, "mean": True, "std": True} else: cfg = {"samples": True, "mean": False, "std": False} if h5py: file_name = join(op_direc, _file_name_by_strategy(index) + ".hdf5") sample_list.save_to_hdf5(file_name, op=op, overwrite=True, **cfg) if astropy: try: file_name_base = join(op_direc, _file_name_by_strategy(index)) sample_list.save_to_fits(file_name_base, op=op, overwrite=True, **cfg) except ValueError: pass def _plot_energy_history(index, energy_history): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fname = join(_output_directory, 'energy_history', '{}_' + _file_name_by_strategy(index) + '.png') E = np.array(energy_history.energy_values) # energy value plot p = Plot() p.add(energy_history, skip_timestamp_conversion=True, xlabel='iteration', ylabel=r'E', yscale='log' if (E > 0.).all() else 'linear') p.output(title='energy history', name=fname.format('energy_history'), xsize=max(0.8 + 0.175 * index, 6.4), ysize=4.8, dpi=125) # energy change plot if index > 0: xsize = max(0.8 + 0.175 * (index - 1), 6.4) plt.figure(figsize=(xsize, 4.8)) ts = np.array(energy_history.time_stamps[1:]) dE = E[1:] - E[:-1] idx_pos = (dE > 0) idx_neg = (dE < 0) plt.plot(ts[idx_pos], dE[idx_pos], '^', color='red', label='positive') plt.plot(ts[idx_neg], -dE[idx_neg], 'v', color='green', label='negative') plt.yscale('log') plt.title('energy change w.r.t. previous step') plt.xlabel('iteration') plt.ylabel(r'$\Delta\,$E') plt.legend() plt.savefig(fname.format('energy_change_history'), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=125) plt.close() def _append_key(s, key): if key == "": return s return f"{s} ({key})" def _minisanity(likelihood_energy, iglobal, sl, comm, plot_minisanity_history): from ..extra import minisanity s, ms_val = minisanity(likelihood_energy, sl, terminal_colors=False, return_values=True) check_MPI_equality(ms_val, comm(iglobal)) _report_to_logger_and_file(s, "minisanity.txt", iglobal, comm, True, True, True) if _MPI_master(comm(iglobal)) and _output_directory is not None: # load/create minisanity_history object value_type_keys = ['redchisq', 'scmean'] category_keys = ['data_residuals', 'latent_variables'] if iglobal == 0: mh = {tk: {ck: {} for ck in category_keys} for tk in value_type_keys} else: mh = _pickle_load_values(iglobal - 1, 'minisanity_history') key_set_mh = {} key_set_msval = {} for ck in category_keys: key_set_mh[ck] = set(mh['redchisq'][ck].keys()) key_set_msval[ck] = set(ms_val['redchisq'][ck].keys()) for tk in value_type_keys: for ck in category_keys: # all keys not yet in minisanity history for ek in key_set_msval[ck] - key_set_mh[ck]: v = ms_val[tk][ck][ek] mh[tk][ck][ek] = {} mh[tk][ck][ek]['index'] = [iglobal, ] mh[tk][ck][ek]['mean'] = [v['mean'], ] mh[tk][ck][ek]['std'] = [v['std'], ] # all keys already present in minisanity history for ek in key_set_msval[ck] & key_set_mh[ck]: v = ms_val[tk][ck][ek] mh[tk][ck][ek]['index'].append(iglobal) mh[tk][ck][ek]['mean'].append(v['mean']) mh[tk][ck][ek]['std'].append(v['std']) _pickle_save_values(iglobal, 'minisanity_history', mh) if plot_minisanity_history: _plot_minisanity_history(iglobal, mh) def _plot_minisanity_history(index, minisanity_history): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import plasma mhrcs = minisanity_history['redchisq'] labels = [] vals = [] idxs = [] n_dr = 0 for kk in mhrcs['data_residuals'].keys(): labels.append(f'residuals: {n_dr}') vals.append(mhrcs['data_residuals'][kk]['mean']) idxs.append(mhrcs['data_residuals'][kk]['index']) n_dr += 1 n_lv = 0 for kk in mhrcs['latent_variables'].keys(): labels.append(f'latent: {kk}') vals.append(mhrcs['latent_variables'][kk]['mean']) idxs.append(mhrcs['latent_variables'][kk]['index']) n_lv += 1 n_tot = n_dr + n_lv colors = [plasma(x) for x in np.linspace(0, 0.95, n_tot)] linestyles = ['-'] * n_tot for ii in range(1, n_tot, 3): linestyles[ii] = ':' for ii in range(2, n_tot, 3): linestyles[ii] = '--' vals = [np.array(v) for v in vals] idxs = [np.array(i) for i in idxs] delta_idx = np.max([np.max(i) for i in idxs]) - np.min([np.min(i) for i in idxs]) xsize = max(0.8 + 0.2 * delta_idx, 6.4) plt.figure(figsize=(xsize, 4.8)) for i in range(n_tot): plt.plot(idxs[i], vals[i], label=labels[i], color=colors[i], marker='.', linestyle=linestyles[i]) xlim = plt.xlim() plt.hlines(1., xlim[0], xlim[1], linestyle='dashed', color='black', linewidth=2, zorder=-1) plt.xlim(*xlim) plt.yscale('log') plt.title(r'reduced $\chi^2$ values') plt.xlabel('iteration') plt.ylabel(r'red. $\chi^2$') plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 0.5), loc='center left', borderaxespad=0, ncol=int(np.ceil(n_tot / 20))) plt.savefig(join(_output_directory, 'minisanity_history', 'minisanity_history_' + _file_name_by_strategy(index) + '.png'), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=250) plt.close() def _counting_report(count, iglobal, comm): _report_to_logger_and_file(, "counting_report.txt", iglobal, comm, _output_directory is None, True, False) def _report_to_logger_and_file(report, file_name, iglobal, comm, to_logger, to_file, only_master): from datetime import datetime from ..logger import logger from ..utilities import allreduce_sum intro = f"Finished index: {iglobal}\nCurrent datetime: {}\n" if not only_master: report = allreduce_sum([[report]], comm(iglobal)) report = [f"Task {ii}\n{rr}" for ii, rr in enumerate(report)] report = "\n".join(report) if _MPI_master(comm(iglobal)): if to_logger: if _output_directory is not None and to_file: with open(join(_output_directory, file_name), "a", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(intro + report + "\n\n") def _handle_inspect_callback(inspect_callback, sl, iglobal): if _number_of_arguments(inspect_callback) == 1: inp = (sl, ) elif _number_of_arguments(inspect_callback) == 2: inp = (sl, iglobal) inspect_callback(*inp) def _handle_terminate_callback(terminate_callback, iglobal, comm): terminate = terminate_callback(iglobal) check_MPI_equality(terminate, comm(iglobal)) return terminate def _MPI_master(comm): return get_MPI_params_from_comm(comm)[2] def _make_callable(obj): if callable(obj) and not (isinstance(obj, Minimizer) or isinstance(obj, IterationController) or isinstance(obj, Operator)): return obj else: return lambda x: obj def _want_metric(mini): from .descent_minimizers import L_BFGS, VL_BFGS, SteepestDescent # TODO Make this a property of the minimizer? if isinstance(mini, (SteepestDescent, L_BFGS, VL_BFGS)): return False return True def _number_of_arguments(func): from inspect import signature return len(signature(func).parameters) def _is_subdomain(sub_domain, total_domain): if not isinstance(sub_domain, (MultiDomain, DomainTuple)): raise TypeError if isinstance(sub_domain, DomainTuple): return sub_domain == total_domain return all(kk in total_domain.keys() and vv == total_domain[kk] for kk, vv in sub_domain.items()) def _normal_initialize(mf, domain, std=0.1): from ..sugar import makeDomain from ..utilities import myassert if MultiDomain.union([domain, mf.domain]) != domain: raise RuntimeError(f"Domain of MultiField and final domain are not compatible\n" f"MultiField domain:\n{mf.domain}\n" f"Final domain:\n{domain}") diff_keys = set(domain.keys()) - set(mf.domain.keys()) diff_domain = makeDomain({kk: domain[kk] for kk in diff_keys}) diff_fld = from_random(diff_domain, std=std) res = mf.unite(diff_fld) myassert(res.domain is domain) return res def _single_value_sample_list(fld, comm): check_MPI_equality(fld, comm, hash=True) if _MPI_master(comm): sl = SampleList([fld], comm=comm, domain=fld.domain) else: sl = SampleList([], comm=comm, domain=fld.domain) return sl