Source code for nifty8.multi_field

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# Copyright(C) 2013-2021 Max-Planck-Society
# NIFTy is being developed at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik.

import numpy as np

from . import utilities
from .domain_tuple import DomainTuple
from .field import Field
from .multi_domain import MultiDomain
from .operators.operator import Operator

[docs] class MultiField(Operator):
[docs] def __init__(self, domain, val): """The discrete representation of a continuous field over a sum space. Parameters ---------- domain: MultiDomain val: tuple containing Field entries """ if not isinstance(domain, MultiDomain): raise TypeError("domain must be of type MultiDomain") if not isinstance(val, tuple): raise TypeError("val must be a tuple") if len(val) != len(domain): raise ValueError("length mismatch") for d, v in zip(domain._domains, val): if isinstance(v, Field): utilities.check_object_identity(v._domain, d) else: raise TypeError("bad entry in val (must be Field)") self._domain = domain self._val = val
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(dct, domain=None): if domain is None: for dd in dct.values(): if not isinstance(dd.domain, DomainTuple): raise TypeError('Values of dictionary need to be Fields ' 'defined on DomainTuples.') domain = MultiDomain.make({key: v._domain for key, v in dct.items()}) res = tuple(dct[key] if key in dct else Field(dom, 0.) for key, dom in zip(domain.keys(), return MultiField(domain, res)
[docs] def to_dict(self): return {key: val for key, val in zip(self._domain.keys(), self._val)}
def __getitem__(self, key): return self._val[self._domain.idx[key]] def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._domain.idx
[docs] def keys(self): return self._domain.keys()
[docs] def items(self): return zip(self._domain.keys(), self._val)
[docs] def values(self): return self._val
@property def domain(self): return self._domain @property def dtype(self): return {key: val.dtype for key, val in self.items()} def _transform(self, op): return MultiField(self._domain, tuple(op(v) for v in self._val)) @property def real(self): """MultiField : The real part of the multi field""" return self._transform(lambda x: x.real) @property def imag(self): """MultiField : The imaginary part of the multi field""" return self._transform(lambda x: x.imag)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_random(domain, random_type='normal', dtype=np.float64, **kwargs): """Draws a random multi-field with the given parameters. Parameters ---------- random_type : 'pm1', 'normal', or 'uniform' The random distribution to use. domain : DomainTuple The domain of the output random Field. dtype : type The datatype of the output random Field. If the datatype is complex, each real an imaginary part have variance 1. Returns ------- MultiField The newly created :class:`MultiField`. Notes ----- The individual fields within this multi-field will be drawn in alphabetical order of the multi-field's domain keys. As a consequence, renaming these keys may cause the multi-field to be filled with different random numbers, even for the same initial RNG state. """ domain = MultiDomain.make(domain) if isinstance(dtype, dict): dtype = {kk: np.dtype(dt) for kk, dt in dtype.items()} else: dtype = np.dtype(dtype) dtype = {kk: dtype for kk in domain.keys()} dct = {kk: Field.from_random(domain[kk], random_type, dtype[kk], **kwargs) for kk in domain.keys()} return MultiField.from_dict(dct)
[docs] def s_vdot(self, x): result = 0. utilities.check_object_identity(x._domain, self._domain) for v1, v2 in zip(self._val, x._val): result += v1.s_vdot(v2) return result
[docs] def vdot(self, x): return Field.scalar(self.s_vdot(x))
# @staticmethod # def build_dtype(dtype, domain): # if isinstance(dtype, dict): # return dtype # if dtype is None: # dtype = np.float64 # return {key: dtype for key in domain.keys()}
[docs] @staticmethod def full(domain, val): domain = MultiDomain.make(domain) return MultiField(domain, tuple(Field(dom, val) for dom in domain._domains))
@property def val(self): return {key: val.val for key, val in zip(self._domain.keys(), self._val)}
[docs] def val_rw(self): return {key: val.val_rw() for key, val in zip(self._domain.keys(), self._val)}
[docs] @staticmethod def from_raw(domain, arr): return MultiField( domain, tuple(Field(domain[key], arr[key]) for key in domain.keys()))
[docs] def norm(self, ord=2): """Computes the norm of the field values. Parameters ---------- ord : int, default=2 accepted values: 1, 2, ..., np.inf Returns ------- norm : float The norm of the field values. """ nrm = np.asarray([f.norm(ord) for f in self._val]) if ord == np.inf: return nrm.max() return (nrm ** ord).sum() ** (1./ord)
# return np.sqrt(np.abs(self.vdot(x=self)))
[docs] def s_sum(self): """Computes the sum all field values. Returns ------- norm : float The sum of the field values. """ return utilities.my_sum(map(lambda v: v.s_sum(), self._val))
@property def size(self): """Computes the overall degrees of freedom. Returns ------- size : int The sum of the size of the individual fields """ return utilities.my_sum(map(lambda d: d.size, def __neg__(self): return self._transform(lambda x: -x) def __abs__(self): return self._transform(lambda x: abs(x))
[docs] def conjugate(self): return self._transform(lambda x: x.conjugate())
[docs] def clip(self, a_min=None, a_max=None): return self.ptw("clip", a_min, a_max)
[docs] def s_all(self): for v in self._val: if not v.s_all(): return False return True
[docs] def s_any(self): for v in self._val: if v.s_any(): return True return False
[docs] def extract(self, subset): if subset is self._domain: return self return MultiField(subset, tuple(self[key] for key in subset.keys()))
[docs] def extract_by_keys(self, keys): dom = MultiDomain.make({kk: vv for kk, vv in self.domain.items() if kk in keys}) return self.extract(dom)
[docs] def extract_part(self, subset): if subset is self._domain: return self dct = {key: self[key] for key in subset.keys() if key in self} if len(dct) == 0: return None return MultiField.from_dict(dct)
[docs] def unite(self, other): """Merges two MultiFields on potentially different MultiDomains. Parameters ---------- other : :class:`nifty8.multi_field.MultiField` the partner Field Returns ------- MultiField This MultiField's domain is the union of the input fields' domains. The values are the sum of the fields in self and other. If a field is not present, it is assumed to have an uniform value of zero. """ return self.flexible_addsub(other, False)
[docs] @staticmethod def union(fields, domain=None): """Returns the union of its input fields. Parameters ---------- fields : iterable of :class:`nifty8.multi_field.MultiField` The set of input fields. Their domains need not be identical. domain : MultiDomain or None If supplied, this will be the domain of the resulting field. Providing this domain will accelerate the function. Returns ------- MultiField The union of the input fields Notes ----- If the same key occurs more than once in the input fields, the value associated with the last occurrence will be put into the output. No summation is performed! """ res = {} for field in fields: res.update(field.to_dict()) return MultiField.from_dict(res, domain)
[docs] def flexible_addsub(self, other, neg): """Merges two MultiFields on potentially different MultiDomains. Parameters ---------- other : :class:`nifty8.multi_field.MultiField` the partner Field neg : bool or dict if True, the partner field is subtracted, otherwise added Returns ------- MultiField This MultiField's domain is the union of the input fields' domains. The values are the sum (or difference, if neg==True) of the fields in self and other. If a field is not present, it is assumed to have an uniform value of zero. """ if self._domain is other._domain and not isinstance(neg, dict): return self-other if neg else self+other if isinstance(neg, dict): fct = lambda k: neg[k] else: fct = lambda k: neg res = self.to_dict() for key, val in other.items(): if key in res: res[key] = res[key]-val if fct(key) else res[key]+val else: res[key] = -val if fct(key) else val return MultiField.from_dict(res)
def _prep_args(self, args, kwargs, i): for arg in args + tuple(kwargs.values()): if not (arg is None or np.isscalar(arg) or arg.jac is None): raise TypeError("bad argument") argstmp = tuple(arg if arg is None or np.isscalar(arg) else arg._val[i] for arg in args) kwargstmp = {key: val if val is None or np.isscalar(val) else val._val[i] for key, val in kwargs.items()} return argstmp, kwargstmp
[docs] def ptw(self, op, *args, **kwargs): tmp = [] for i in range(len(self._val)): argstmp, kwargstmp = self._prep_args(args, kwargs, i) tmp.append(self._val[i].ptw(op, *argstmp, **kwargstmp)) return MultiField(self.domain, tuple(tmp))
[docs] def ptw_with_deriv(self, op, *args, **kwargs): tmp = [] for i in range(len(self._val)): argstmp, kwargstmp = self._prep_args(args, kwargs, i) tmp.append(self._val[i].ptw_with_deriv(op, *argstmp, **kwargstmp)) return (MultiField(self.domain, tuple(v[0] for v in tmp)), MultiField(self.domain, tuple(v[1] for v in tmp)))
def _binary_op(self, other, op): f = getattr(Field, op) if isinstance(other, MultiField): utilities.check_object_identity(self._domain, other._domain) val = tuple(f(v1, v2) for v1, v2 in zip(self._val, other._val)) else: val = tuple(f(v1, other) for v1 in self._val) return MultiField(self._domain, val)
for op in ["__add__", "__radd__", "__sub__", "__rsub__", "__mul__", "__rmul__", "__truediv__", "__rtruediv__", "__floordiv__", "__rfloordiv__", "__pow__", "__rpow__", "__lt__", "__le__", "__gt__", "__ge__", "__eq__", "__ne__"]: def func(op): def func2(self, other): return self._binary_op(other, op) return func2 setattr(MultiField, op, func(op)) for op in ["__iadd__", "__isub__", "__imul__", "__idiv__", "__itruediv__", "__ifloordiv__", "__ipow__"]:
[docs] def func(op): def func2(self, other): raise TypeError( "In-place operations are deliberately not supported") return func2
setattr(MultiField, op, func(op))