Source code for nifty8.operator_spectrum

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright(C) 2013-2020 Max-Planck-Society

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse.linalg as ssl

from .domain_tuple import DomainTuple
from .domains.unstructured_domain import UnstructuredDomain
from .field import Field
from .multi_domain import MultiDomain
from .multi_field import MultiField
from .operators.linear_operator import LinearOperator
from .operators.sandwich_operator import SandwichOperator
from .sugar import makeDomain, makeField

class _DomRemover(LinearOperator):
    """Operator which transforms between a structured MultiDomain
    and an unstructured domain.

    domain: MultiDomain
        the full input domain of the operator.

    The operator converts the full domain of its input domain to an

    def __init__(self, domain):
        self._domain = makeDomain(domain)
        if isinstance(self._domain, MultiDomain):
            self._size_array = np.array([0] +
                                        [d.size for d in domain.values()])
            self._size_array = np.array([0, domain.size])
        np.cumsum(self._size_array, out=self._size_array)
        target = UnstructuredDomain(self._size_array[-1])
        self._target = makeDomain(target)
        self._capability = self.TIMES | self.ADJOINT_TIMES

    def apply(self, x, mode):
        self._check_input(x, mode)
        x = x.val
        if isinstance(self._domain, DomainTuple):
            res = x.ravel() if mode == self.TIMES else x.reshape(
            res = np.empty( if mode == self.TIMES else {}
            for ii, (kk, dd) in enumerate(self.domain.items()):
                i0, i1 = self._size_array[ii:ii + 2]
                if mode == self.TIMES:
                    res[i0:i1] = x[kk].ravel()
                    res[kk] = x[i0:i1].reshape(dd.shape)
        return makeField(self._tgt(mode), res)

    def _check_float_dtype(fld):
        if isinstance(fld, MultiField):
            dts = [ff.dtype for ff in fld.values()]
        elif isinstance(fld, Field):
            dts = [fld.dtype]
            raise TypeError
        for dt in dts:
            if not np.issubdtype(dt, np.float64):
                raise TypeError('Operator supports only floating point dtypes')

[docs] def operator_spectrum(A, k, hermitian, which='LM', tol=0, return_eigenvectors=False): ''' Find k eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the endomorphism A. Parameters ---------- A : LinearOperator Operator of which eigenvalues shall be computed. k : int The number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors desired. `k` must be smaller than N-1. It is not possible to compute all eigenvectors of a matrix. hermitian: bool Specifies whether A is hermitian or not. which : str, ['LM' | 'SM' | 'LR' | 'SR' | 'LI' | 'SI'], optional Which `k` eigenvectors and eigenvalues to find: 'LM' : largest magnitude 'SM' : smallest magnitude 'LR' : largest real part 'SR' : smallest real part 'LI' : largest imaginary part 'SI' : smallest imaginary part tol : float, optional Relative accuracy for eigenvalues (stopping criterion) The default value of 0 implies machine precision. return_eigenvectors: bool, optional Return eigenvectors (True) in addition to eigenvalues Returns ------- w : ndarray Array of k eigenvalues. v : ndarray An array representing the k eigenvectors. The column v[:, i] is the eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue w[i]. Raises ------ ArpackNoConvergence When the requested convergence is not obtained. The currently converged eigenvalues and eigenvectors can be found as ``eigenvalues`` and ``eigenvectors`` attributes of the exception object. ''' if not isinstance(A, LinearOperator): raise TypeError('Operator needs to be linear.') if A.domain is not raise TypeError('Operator needs to be endomorphism.') size = A.domain.size Ar = SandwichOperator.make(_DomRemover(A.domain).adjoint, A) M = ssl.LinearOperator( shape=2*(size,), matvec=lambda x: Ar(makeField(Ar.domain, x)).val) f = ssl.eigsh if hermitian else ssl.eigs eigs = f(M, k=k, tol=tol, return_eigenvectors=return_eigenvectors, which=which) if return_eigenvectors: eigval, eigvec = eigs inds = np.argsort(eigval) return np.flip(eigval[inds]), np.flip(eigvec[:,inds],axis = 1) else: return np.flip(np.sort(eigs))