Source code for nifty8.operators.block_diagonal_operator

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# Copyright(C) 2013-2020 Max-Planck-Society
# NIFTy is being developed at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik.

from ..multi_domain import MultiDomain
from ..multi_field import MultiField
from ..utilities import check_dtype_or_none, check_object_identity, indent
from .endomorphic_operator import EndomorphicOperator
from .linear_operator import LinearOperator

[docs] class BlockDiagonalOperator(EndomorphicOperator): """ Parameters ---------- domain : MultiDomain Domain and target of the operator. operators : dict Dictionary with subdomain names as keys and :class:`LinearOperator` s as items. Any missing item will be treated as unity operator. """
[docs] def __init__(self, domain, operators): if not isinstance(domain, MultiDomain): raise TypeError("MultiDomain expected") self._domain = domain self._ops = tuple(operators[key] if key in operators else None for key in domain.keys()) self._capability = self._all_ops self._dtype = {kk: oo.sampling_dtype for kk, oo in operators.items()} if all(vv is None for vv in self._dtype.values()): self._dtype = None check_dtype_or_none(self._dtype, self._domain) for op in self._ops: if op is not None: if isinstance(op, LinearOperator): if is not op.domain: raise TypeError("domain and target mismatch") self._capability &= op.capability else: raise TypeError("LinearOperator expected")
[docs] def get_sqrt(self): ops = {} for ii, kk in enumerate(self._domain.keys()): if self._ops[ii] is None: continue ops[kk] = self._ops[ii].get_sqrt() return BlockDiagonalOperator(self._domain, ops)
[docs] def apply(self, x, mode): self._check_input(x, mode) val = tuple(op.apply(v, mode=mode) if op is not None else v for op, v in zip(self._ops, x.values())) return MultiField(self._domain, val)
[docs] def draw_sample(self, from_inverse=False): from ..sugar import from_random val = [] for op, key in zip(self._ops, self._domain.keys()): if op is None: if self._dtype is None or key not in self._dtype: raise RuntimeError("Need to specify dtype for all operators " f"that are set to None (key: {key}).") a = from_random(self._domain[key], 'normal', dtype=self.sampling_dtype[key]) else: a = op.draw_sample(from_inverse) val.append(a) return MultiField(self._domain, tuple(val))
def _combine_chain(self, op): check_object_identity(self._domain, op._domain) res = {key: v1(v2) for key, v1, v2 in zip(self._domain.keys(), self._ops, op._ops)} return BlockDiagonalOperator(self._domain, res) def _combine_sum(self, op, selfneg, opneg): from ..operators.sum_operator import SumOperator check_object_identity(self._domain, op._domain) res = {key: SumOperator.make([v1, v2], [selfneg, opneg]) for key, v1, v2 in zip(self._domain.keys(), self._ops, op._ops)} return BlockDiagonalOperator(self._domain, res)
[docs] def __repr__(self): s = [] for ii, kk in enumerate(self.domain.keys()): if self._ops[ii] is None: ss = f"{kk}: id" if self._dtype is not None and kk in self._dtype: ss += f" (sampling dtype: {self._dtype[kk]})" s.append(ss) else: s.append(f'{kk}: {self._ops[ii]}') s = "\n".join(s) return 'BlockDiagonalOperator:\n' + indent(s)