Source code for nifty8.operators.chain_operator

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# Copyright(C) 2013-2019 Max-Planck-Society
# NIFTy is being developed at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik.

from .. import utilities
from .diagonal_operator import DiagonalOperator
from .linear_operator import LinearOperator
from .scaling_operator import ScalingOperator
from .simple_linear_operators import NullOperator

[docs] class ChainOperator(LinearOperator): """Class representing chains of operators. Notes ----- This operator has to be called using the :attr:`make` method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ops, _callingfrommake=False): if not _callingfrommake: raise NotImplementedError self._ops = ops self._capability = self._all_ops for op in ops: self._capability &= op.capability self._domain = self._ops[-1].domain self._target = self._ops[0].target if all(callable(op.jax_expr) for op in ops): def joined_jax_op(x): for op in reversed(ops): x = op.jax_expr(x) return x self._jax_expr = joined_jax_op else: self._jax_expr = None
[docs] @staticmethod def simplify(ops): # verify domains for i in range(len(ops) - 1): utilities.check_object_identity(ops[i + 1].target, ops[i].domain) # unpack ChainOperators opsnew = [] for op in ops: opsnew += op._ops if isinstance(op, ChainOperator) else [op] ops = opsnew # check for NullOperators if any(isinstance(op, NullOperator) for op in ops): ops = (NullOperator(ops[-1].domain, ops[0].target),) # collect ScalingOperators fct = 1. opsnew = [] lastdom = ops[-1].domain dtype = None for op in ops: if (isinstance(op, ScalingOperator) and op._factor.imag == 0): fct *= op._factor.real else: opsnew.append(op) if fct != 1.: # try to absorb the factor into a DiagonalOperator for i in range(len(opsnew)): if isinstance(opsnew[i], DiagonalOperator): opsnew[i] = opsnew[i]._scale(fct) fct = 1. break if fct != 1 or len(opsnew) == 0: # have to add the scaling operator at the end op = ScalingOperator(lastdom, fct) if dtype is not None: op.dtype = dtype opsnew.append(op) ops = opsnew # combine DiagonalOperators where possible opsnew = [] for op in ops: if (len(opsnew) > 0 and isinstance(opsnew[-1], DiagonalOperator) and isinstance(op, DiagonalOperator)): opsnew[-1] = opsnew[-1]._combine_prod(op) else: opsnew.append(op) ops = opsnew # combine BlockDiagonalOperators where possible from .block_diagonal_operator import BlockDiagonalOperator opsnew = [] for op in ops: if (len(opsnew) > 0 and isinstance(opsnew[-1], BlockDiagonalOperator) and isinstance(op, BlockDiagonalOperator)): opsnew[-1] = opsnew[-1]._combine_chain(op) else: opsnew.append(op) ops = opsnew return ops
[docs] @staticmethod def make(ops): """Build a ChainOperator (or something simpler if possible), a sequence of concatenated LinearOperators. Parameters ---------- ops: list of LinearOperator Individual operators of the chain. """ ops = tuple(ops) if len(ops) == 0: raise ValueError("ops is empty") ops = ChainOperator.simplify(ops) if len(ops) == 1: return ops[0] return ChainOperator(ops, _callingfrommake=True)
def _flip_modes(self, trafo): ADJ = self.ADJOINT_BIT INV = self.INVERSE_BIT if trafo == 0: return self if trafo == ADJ or trafo == INV: return self.make( [op._flip_modes(trafo) for op in reversed(self._ops)]) if trafo == ADJ | INV: return self.make([op._flip_modes(trafo) for op in self._ops]) raise ValueError("invalid operator transformation")
[docs] def apply(self, x, mode): self._check_mode(mode) t_ops = self._ops if mode & self._backwards else reversed(self._ops) for op in t_ops: x = op.apply(x, mode) return x
[docs] def __repr__(self): subs = "\n".join(sub.__repr__() for sub in self._ops) return "ChainOperator:\n" + utilities.indent(subs)
def _simplify_for_constant_input_nontrivial(self, c_inp): from ..multi_domain import MultiDomain if not isinstance(self._domain, MultiDomain): return None, self newop = None for op in reversed(self._ops): c_inp, t_op = op.simplify_for_constant_input(c_inp) newop = t_op if newop is None else op(newop) return c_inp, newop