Source code for nifty8.operators.jax_operator

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright(C) 2021-2022 Max-Planck-Society
# Author: Philipp Arras

from functools import partial
from types import SimpleNamespace
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np

from .energy_operators import LikelihoodEnergyOperator
from .linear_operator import LinearOperator
from .operator import Operator

    import jax
    jax.config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)
    __all__ = ["JaxOperator", "JaxLikelihoodEnergyOperator", "JaxLinearOperator"]
except ImportError:
    __all__ = []

def _jax2np(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        return {kk: np.array(vv) for kk, vv in obj.items()}
    return np.array(obj)

[docs] class JaxOperator(Operator): """Wrap a jax function as nifty operator. Parameters ---------- domain : DomainTuple or MultiDomain Domain of the operator. target : DomainTuple or MultiDomain Target of the operator. func : callable The jax function that is evaluated by the operator. It has to be implemented in terms of `jax.numpy` calls. If `domain` is a `MultiDomain`, `func` takes a `dict` as argument and like-wise for the target. """
[docs] def __init__(self, domain, target, func): from ..sugar import makeDomain self._domain = makeDomain(domain) self._target = makeDomain(target) self._func = jax.jit(func) self._bwd = jax.jit(lambda x, y: jax.vjp(func, x)[1](y)[0]) self._fwd = jax.jit(lambda x, y: jax.jvp(self._func, (x,), (y,))[1]) self._jax_expr = func
[docs] def apply(self, x): from ..multi_domain import MultiDomain from ..sugar import is_linearization, makeField self._check_input(x) if is_linearization(x): # TODO: Adapt the Linearization class to handle value_and_grad # calls. Computing the pass through the function thrice (once now # and twice when differentiating) is redundant and inefficient. res = self._func(x.val.val) bwd = partial(self._bwd, x.val.val) fwd = partial(self._fwd, x.val.val) jac = JaxLinearOperator(self._domain, self._target, fwd, func_T=bwd) return, _jax2np(res)), jac) res = _jax2np(self._func(x.val)) if isinstance(res, dict): if not isinstance(self._target, MultiDomain): raise TypeError(("Jax function returns a dictionary although the " "target of the operator is a DomainTuple.")) if set(res.keys()) != set(self._target.keys()): raise ValueError(("Keys do not match:\n" f"Target keys: {self._target.keys()}\n" f"Jax function returns: {res.keys()}")) for kk in res.keys(): self._check_shape(self._target[kk].shape, res[kk].shape) else: if isinstance(self._target, MultiDomain): raise TypeError(("Jax function does not return a dictionary " "although the target of the operator is a " "MultiDomain.")) self._check_shape(self._target.shape, res.shape) return makeField(self._target, res)
@staticmethod def _check_shape(shp_tgt, shp_jax): if shp_tgt != shp_jax: raise ValueError(("Output shapes do not match:\n" f"Target shape is\t\t{shp_tgt}\n" f"Jax function returns\t{shp_jax}")) def _simplify_for_constant_input_nontrivial(self, c_inp): func2 = lambda x: self._func({**x, **c_inp.val}) dom = {kk: vv for kk, vv in self._domain.items() if kk not in c_inp.keys()} return None, JaxOperator(dom, self._target, func2)
[docs] class JaxLinearOperator(LinearOperator): """Wrap a jax function as nifty linear operator. Parameters ---------- domain : DomainTuple or MultiDomain Domain of the operator. target : DomainTuple or MultiDomain Target of the operator. func : callable The jax function that is evaluated by the operator. It has to be implemented in terms of `jax.numpy` calls. If `domain` is a `MultiDomain`, `func` takes a `dict` as argument and like-wise for the target. func_T : callable The jax function that implements the transposed action of the operator. If None, jax computes the adjoint. Note that this is *not* the adjoint action. Default: None. domain_dtype: Needs to be set if `func_transposed` is None. Otherwise it does not have an effect. Dtype of the domain. If `domain` is a `MultiDomain`, `domain_dtype` is supposed to be a dictionary. Default: None. Note ---- It is the user's responsibility that func is actually a linear function. The user can double check this with the help of `nifty8.extra.check_linear_operator`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, domain, target, func, domain_dtype=None, func_T=None): from ..domain_tuple import DomainTuple from ..sugar import makeDomain domain = makeDomain(domain) if domain_dtype is not None and func_T is None: if isinstance(domain, DomainTuple): inp = SimpleNamespace(shape=domain.shape, dtype=domain_dtype) else: inp = {kk: SimpleNamespace(shape=domain[kk].shape, dtype=domain_dtype[kk]) for kk in domain.keys()} func_T = jax.jit(lambda x: jax.linear_transpose(func, inp)(x)[0]) elif domain_dtype is None and func_T is not None: pass else: raise ValueError("Either domain_dtype or func_T have to be not None.") self._domain = makeDomain(domain) self._target = makeDomain(target) self._func = func self._func_T = func_T self._capability = self.TIMES | self.ADJOINT_TIMES self._jax_expr = func
[docs] def apply(self, x, mode): from ..sugar import makeField self._check_input(x, mode) if mode == self.TIMES: fx = self._func(x.val) return makeField(self._target, _jax2np(fx)) fx = self._func_T(x.conjugate().val) return makeField(self._domain, _jax2np(fx)).conjugate()
[docs] class JaxLikelihoodEnergyOperator(LikelihoodEnergyOperator): """Wrap a jax function as nifty likelihood energy operator. Parameters ---------- domain : DomainTuple or MultiDomain Domain of the operator. func : callable The jax function that is evaluated by the operator. It has to be implemented in terms of `jax.numpy` calls. If `domain` is a `MultiDomain`, `func` takes a `dict` as argument and like-wise for the target. It needs to map to a scalar. transformation : Operator, optional Coordinate transformation to Euclidean space. sampling_dtype : dtype, optional The dtype that shall be used for drawing samples from the metric of the likelihood. """
[docs] def __init__(self, domain, func, transformation=None, sampling_dtype=None): from ..sugar import makeDomain self._domain = makeDomain(domain) self._func = jax.jit(func) self._val_and_grad = jax.jit(jax.value_and_grad(func)) self._dt = sampling_dtype self._trafo = transformation warn("JaxLikelihoodEnergyOperator does not support normalized residuals " "yet. This mean that the inference works but the data residuals do " "not show up in e.g. `ift.minisanity`.") super(JaxLikelihoodEnergyOperator, self).__init__(None, None)
[docs] def get_transformation(self): if self._trafo is None: s = self.__name__ + " was instantiated without `transformation`" raise RuntimeError(s) return self._dt, self._trafo
[docs] def apply(self, x): from ..sugar import is_linearization, makeField from .simple_linear_operators import VdotOperator self._check_input(x) lin = is_linearization(x) val = x.val.val if lin else x.val if not lin: return makeField(self._target, _jax2np(self._func(val))) res, grad = self._val_and_grad(val) jac = VdotOperator(makeField(self._domain, _jax2np(grad))) res =, _jax2np(res)), jac) if not x.want_metric: return res return res.add_metric(self.get_metric_at(x.val))
def _simplify_for_constant_input_nontrivial(self, c_inp): func2 = lambda x: self._func({**x, **c_inp.val}) dom = {kk: vv for kk, vv in self._domain.items() if kk not in c_inp.keys()} _, trafo = self._trafo.simplify_for_constant_input(c_inp) if isinstance(self._dt, dict): dt = {kk: self._dt[kk] for kk in dom.keys()} else: dt = self._dt return None, JaxLikelihoodEnergyOperator(dom, func2, trafo, dt)