Source code for

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-2-Clause

from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, NamedTuple, TypeVar, Union

from jax import lax
from jax import numpy as jnp
from jax import random, tree_util
from jax.experimental import host_callback
from jax.scipy.special import expit

from .lax import cond, fori_loop, while_loop
from .tree_math import random_like



def _DEBUG_ADD_QP(qp):
    """Stores **all** results of leapfrog integration"""
    global _DEBUG_STORE

def _DEBUG_FINISH_TREE(dummy_arg):
    """Signal the position of a finished tree in `_DEBUG_STORE`"""

def _DEBUG_FINISH_SUBTREE(dummy_arg):
    """Signal the position of a finished sub-tree in `_DEBUG_STORE`"""

[docs] def select(pred, on_true, on_false): return tree_util.tree_map(partial(, pred), on_true, on_false)
[docs] class QP(NamedTuple): """Object holding a pair of position and momentum. Attributes ---------- position : Q Position. momentum : Q Momentum. """ position: Q momentum: Q
[docs] def flip_momentum(qp: QP) -> QP: return QP(position=qp.position, momentum=-qp.momentum)
[docs] def sample_momentum_from_diagonal(*, key, mass_matrix_sqrt): """ Draw a momentum sample from the kinetic energy of the hamiltonian. Parameters ---------- key: ndarray PRNGKey used as the random key. mass_matrix_sqrt: ndarray The left square-root mass matrix (i.e. square-root of the inverse diagonal covariance) to use for sampling. Diagonal matrix represented as (possibly pytree of) ndarray vector containing the entries of the diagonal. """ normal = random_like(key=key, primals=mass_matrix_sqrt, rng=random.normal) return tree_util.tree_map(jnp.multiply, mass_matrix_sqrt, normal)
# TODO: how to randomize step size (neal sect. 3.2) # @partial(jit, static_argnames=('potential_energy_gradient',))
[docs] def leapfrog_step( potential_energy_gradient, kinetic_energy_gradient, step_size, inverse_mass_matrix, qp: QP, ): """ Perform one iteration of the leapfrog integrator forwards in time. Parameters ---------- potential_energy_gradient: Callable[[ndarray], float] Potential energy gradient part of the hamiltonian (V). Depends on position only. qp: QP Point in position and momentum space from which to start integration. step_size: float Step length (usually called epsilon) of the leapfrog integrator. """ position = qp.position momentum = qp.momentum momentum_halfstep = ( momentum - (step_size / 2.) * potential_energy_gradient(position) ) position_fullstep = position + step_size * kinetic_energy_gradient( inverse_mass_matrix, momentum_halfstep ) momentum_fullstep = ( momentum_halfstep - (step_size / 2.) * potential_energy_gradient(position_fullstep) ) qp_fullstep = QP(position=position_fullstep, momentum=momentum_fullstep) global _DEBUG_FLAG if _DEBUG_FLAG: # append result to global list variable, qp_fullstep) return qp_fullstep
[docs] class AcceptedAndRejected(NamedTuple): accepted_qp: QP rejected_qp: QP accepted: Union[jnp.ndarray, bool] diverging: Union[jnp.ndarray, bool]
# @partial(jit, static_argnames=('potential_energy', 'potential_energy_gradient'))
[docs] def generate_hmc_acc_rej( *, key, initial_qp, potential_energy, kinetic_energy, inverse_mass_matrix, stepper, num_steps, step_size, max_energy_difference ) -> AcceptedAndRejected: """ Generate a sample given the initial position. Parameters ---------- key: ndarray a PRNGKey used as the random key position: ndarray The the starting position of this step of the markov chain. potential_energy: Callable[[ndarray], float] The potential energy, which is the distribution to be sampled from. mass_matrix: ndarray The mass matrix used in the kinetic energy num_steps: int The number of steps the leapfrog integrator should perform. step_size: float The step size (usually epsilon) for the leapfrog integrator. """ loop_body = partial(stepper, step_size, inverse_mass_matrix) new_qp = fori_loop( lower=0, upper=num_steps, body_fun=lambda _, args: loop_body(args), init_val=initial_qp ) # this flipping is needed to make the proposal distribution symmetric # doesn't have any effect on acceptance though because kinetic energy depends on momentum^2 # might have an effect with other kinetic energies though proposed_qp = flip_momentum(new_qp) total_energy = partial( total_energy_of_qp, potential_energy=potential_energy, kinetic_energy_w_inv_mass=partial(kinetic_energy, inverse_mass_matrix) ) energy_diff = total_energy(initial_qp) - total_energy(proposed_qp) energy_diff = jnp.where(jnp.isnan(energy_diff), jnp.inf, energy_diff) transition_probability = jnp.minimum(1., jnp.exp(energy_diff)) accept = random.bernoulli(key, transition_probability) accepted_qp, rejected_qp = select( accept, (proposed_qp, initial_qp), (initial_qp, proposed_qp), ) diverging = jnp.abs(energy_diff) > max_energy_difference return AcceptedAndRejected( accepted_qp, rejected_qp, accepted=accept, diverging=diverging )
### NUTS
[docs] class Tree(NamedTuple): """Object carrying tree metadata. Attributes ---------- left, right : QP Respective endpoints of the trees path. logweight: Union[jnp.ndarray, float] Sum over all -H(q, p) in the tree's path. proposal_candidate: QP Sample from the trees path, distributed as exp(-H(q, p)). turning: Union[jnp.ndarray, bool] Indicator for either the left or right endpoint are a uturn or any subtree is a uturn. diverging: Union[jnp.ndarray, bool] Indicator for a large increase in energy in the next larger tree. depth: Union[jnp.ndarray, int] Levels of the tree. cumulative_acceptance: Union[jnp.ndarray, float] Sum of all acceptance probabilities relative to some initial energy value. This value is distinct from `logweight` as its absolute value is only well defined for the very final tree of NUTS. """ left: QP right: QP logweight: Union[jnp.ndarray, float] proposal_candidate: QP turning: Union[jnp.ndarray, bool] diverging: Union[jnp.ndarray, bool] depth: Union[jnp.ndarray, int] cumulative_acceptance: Union[jnp.ndarray, float]
[docs] def total_energy_of_qp(qp, potential_energy, kinetic_energy_w_inv_mass): return potential_energy(qp.position ) + kinetic_energy_w_inv_mass(qp.momentum)
[docs] def generate_nuts_tree( initial_qp, key, step_size, max_tree_depth, stepper: Callable[[Union[jnp.ndarray, float], Q, QP], QP], potential_energy, kinetic_energy: Callable[[Q, Q], float], inverse_mass_matrix: Q, bias_transition: bool = True, max_energy_difference: Union[jnp.ndarray, float] = jnp.inf ) -> Tree: """Generate a sample given the initial position. This call implements a No-U-Turn-Sampler. Parameters ---------- initial_qp: QP Starting pair of (position, momentum). **NOTE**, the momentum must be resampled from conditional distribution **BEFORE** passing it into this function! key: ndarray PRNGKey used as the random key. step_size: float Step size (usually called epsilon) for the leapfrog integrator. max_tree_depth: int The maximum depth of the trajectory tree before the expansion is terminated. At the maximum iteration depth, the current value is returned even if the U-turn condition is not met. The maximum number of points (/integration steps) per trajectory is :math:`N = 2^{\\mathrm{max\\_tree\\_depth}}`. This function requires memory linear in max_tree_depth, i.e. logarithmic in trajectory length. It is used to statically allocate memory in advance. stepper: Callable[[float, Q, QP], QP] The function that performs (Leapfrog) steps. Takes as arguments (in order) 1) step size (containing the direction): float , 2) inverse mass matrix: Q , 3) starting point: QP . potential_energy: Callable[[Q], float] The potential energy, of the distribution to be sampled from. Takes only the position part (QP.position) as argument. kinetic_energy: Callable[[Q, Q], float], optional Mapping of the momentum to its corresponding kinetic energy. As argument the function takes the inverse mass matrix and the momentum. Returns ------- current_tree: Tree The final tree, carrying a sample from the target distribution. See Also -------- No-U-Turn Sampler original paper (2011): NumPyro Iterative NUTS paper: Combination of samples from two trees, Sampling from trajectories according to target distribution in this paper's Appendix: """ # initialize depth 0 tree, containing 2**0 = 1 points initial_neg_energy = -total_energy_of_qp( initial_qp, potential_energy, partial(kinetic_energy, inverse_mass_matrix) ) current_tree = Tree( left=initial_qp, right=initial_qp, logweight=initial_neg_energy, proposal_candidate=initial_qp, turning=False, diverging=False, depth=0, cumulative_acceptance=jnp.zeros_like(initial_neg_energy) ) def _cont_cond(loop_state): _, current_tree, stop = loop_state return (~stop) & (current_tree.depth <= max_tree_depth) def cond_tree_doubling(loop_state): key, current_tree, _ = loop_state key, key_dir, key_subtree, key_merge = random.split(key, 4) go_right = random.bernoulli(key_dir, 0.5) # build tree adjacent to current_tree new_subtree = iterative_build_tree( key_subtree, current_tree, step_size, go_right, stepper, potential_energy, kinetic_energy, inverse_mass_matrix, max_tree_depth, initial_neg_energy=initial_neg_energy, max_energy_difference=max_energy_difference ) # Mark current tree as diverging if it diverges in the next step current_tree = current_tree._replace(diverging=new_subtree.diverging) # combine current_tree and new_subtree into a tree which is one layer deeper only if new_subtree has no turning subtrees (including itself) current_tree = cond( # If new tree is turning or diverging, do not merge pred=new_subtree.turning | new_subtree.diverging, true_fun=lambda old_and_new: old_and_new[0], false_fun=lambda old_and_new: merge_trees( key_merge, old_and_new[0], old_and_new[1], go_right, bias_transition=bias_transition ), operand=(current_tree, new_subtree), ) # stop if new subtree was turning -> we sample from the old one and don't expand further # stop if new total tree is turning -> we sample from the combined trajectory and don't expand further stop = new_subtree.turning | current_tree.turning stop |= new_subtree.diverging return (key, current_tree, stop) loop_state = (key, current_tree, False) _, current_tree, _ = while_loop(_cont_cond, cond_tree_doubling, loop_state) global _DEBUG_FLAG if _DEBUG_FLAG:, None) return current_tree
[docs] def tree_index_get(ptree, idx): return tree_util.tree_map(lambda arr: arr[idx], ptree)
[docs] def tree_index_update(x, idx, y): from jax.tree_util import tree_map return tree_map(lambda x_el, y_el:[idx].set(y_el), x, y)
[docs] def count_trailing_ones(n): """Count the number of trailing, consecutive ones in the binary representation of `n`. Warning ------- `n` must be positive and strictly smaller than 2**64 Examples -------- >>> print(bin(23), count_trailing_one_bits(23)) 0b10111 3 """ # taken from _, trailing_ones_count = while_loop( lambda nc: (nc[0] & 1) != 0, lambda nc: (nc[0] >> 1, nc[1] + 1), (n, 0) ) return trailing_ones_count
[docs] def is_euclidean_uturn(qp_left, qp_right): """ See Also -------- Betancourt - A conceptual introduction to Hamiltonian Monte Carlo """ return ( ( - qp_left.position) < 0.) & ( - qp_right.position) < 0.) )
# Essentially algorithm 2 from
[docs] def iterative_build_tree( key, initial_tree, step_size, go_right, stepper, potential_energy, kinetic_energy, inverse_mass_matrix, max_tree_depth, initial_neg_energy, max_energy_difference ): """ Starting from either the left or right endpoint of a given tree, builds a new adjacent tree of the same size. Parameters ---------- key: ndarray PRNGKey to choose a sample when adding QPs to the tree. initial_tree: Tree Tree to be extended (doubled) on the left or right. step_size: float The step size (usually called epsilon) for the leapfrog integrator. go_right: bool If `go_right` start at the right end, going right else start at the left end, going left. stepper: Callable[[float, Q, QP], QP] The function that performs (Leapfrog) steps. Takes as arguments (in order) 1) step size (containing the direction): float , 2) inverse mass matrix: Q , 3) starting point: QP . potential_energy: Callable[[Q], float] Potential energy, of the distribution to be sampled from. Takes only the position part (QP.position) as argument. kinetic_energy: Callable[[Q, Q], float], optional Mapping of the momentum to its corresponding kinetic energy. As argument the function takes the inverse mass matrix and the momentum. max_tree_depth: int An upper bound on the 'depth' argument, but has no effect on the functions behaviour. It's only required to statically set the size of the `S` array (Q). """ # 1. choose start point of integration z = select(go_right, initial_tree.right, initial_tree.left) depth = initial_tree.depth max_num_proposals = 2**depth # 2. build / collect new states # Create a storage for left endpoints of subtrees. Size is determined # statically by the `max_tree_depth` parameter. # NOTE, let's hope this does not break anything but in principle we only # need `max_tree_depth` element even though the tree can be of length `max_tree_depth + # 1`. This is because we will never access the last element. S = tree_util.tree_map( lambda proto: jnp. empty_like(proto, shape=(max_tree_depth, ) + jnp.shape(proto)), z ) z = stepper( jnp.where(go_right, 1., -1.) * step_size, inverse_mass_matrix, z ) neg_energy = -total_energy_of_qp( z, potential_energy, partial(kinetic_energy, inverse_mass_matrix) ) diverging = jnp.abs(neg_energy - initial_neg_energy) > max_energy_difference cum_acceptance = jnp.minimum(1., jnp.exp(initial_neg_energy - neg_energy)) incomplete_tree = Tree( left=z, right=z, logweight=neg_energy, proposal_candidate=z, turning=False, diverging=diverging, depth=-1, cumulative_acceptance=cum_acceptance ) S = tree_index_update(S, 0, z) def amend_incomplete_tree(state): n, incomplete_tree, z, S, key = state key, key_choose_candidate = random.split(key) z = stepper( jnp.where(go_right, 1., -1.) * step_size, inverse_mass_matrix, z ) incomplete_tree = add_single_qp_to_tree( key_choose_candidate, incomplete_tree, z, go_right, potential_energy, kinetic_energy, inverse_mass_matrix, initial_neg_energy=initial_neg_energy, max_energy_difference=max_energy_difference ) def _even_fun(S): # n is even, the current z is w.l.o.g. a left endpoint of some # subtrees. Register the current z to be used in turning condition # checks later, when the right endpoints of it's subtrees are # generated. S = tree_index_update(S, lax.population_count(n), z) return S, False def _odd_fun(S): # n is odd, the current z is w.l.o.g a right endpoint of some # subtrees. Check turning condition against all left endpoints of # subtrees that have the current z (/n) as their right endpoint. # l = nubmer of subtrees that have current z as their right endpoint. l = count_trailing_ones(n) # inclusive indices into S referring to the left endpoints of the l subtrees. i_max_incl = lax.population_count(n - 1) i_min_incl = i_max_incl - l + 1 # TODO: this should traverse the range in reverse turning = fori_loop( lower=i_min_incl, upper=i_max_incl + 1, # TODO: conditional for early termination body_fun=lambda k, turning: turning | is_euclidean_uturn(tree_index_get(S, k), z), init_val=False ) return S, turning S, turning = cond( pred=n % 2 == 0, true_fun=_even_fun, false_fun=_odd_fun, operand=S ) incomplete_tree = incomplete_tree._replace(turning=turning) return (n + 1, incomplete_tree, z, S, key) def _cont_cond(state): n, incomplete_tree, *_ = state return (n < max_num_proposals) & (~incomplete_tree.turning ) & (~incomplete_tree.diverging) n, incomplete_tree, *_ = while_loop( # while n < 2**depth and not stop cond_fun=_cont_cond, body_fun=amend_incomplete_tree, init_val=(1, incomplete_tree, z, S, key) ) global _DEBUG_FLAG if _DEBUG_FLAG:, None) # The depth of a tree which was aborted early is possibly ill defined depth = jnp.where(n == max_num_proposals, depth, -1) return incomplete_tree._replace(depth=depth)
[docs] def add_single_qp_to_tree( key, tree, qp, go_right, potential_energy, kinetic_energy, inverse_mass_matrix, initial_neg_energy, max_energy_difference ): """Helper function for progressive sampling. Takes a tree with a sample, and a new endpoint, propagates sample. """ # This is technically just a special case of merge_trees with one of the # trees being a singleton, depth 0 tree. However, no turning check is # required and it is not possible to bias the transition. left, right = select(go_right, (tree.left, qp), (qp, tree.right)) neg_energy = -total_energy_of_qp( qp, potential_energy, partial(kinetic_energy, inverse_mass_matrix) ) diverging = jnp.abs(neg_energy - initial_neg_energy) > max_energy_difference # ln(e^-H_1 + e^-H_2) total_logweight = jnp.logaddexp(tree.logweight, neg_energy) # expit(x-y) := 1 / (1 + e^(-(x-y))) = 1 / (1 + e^(y-x)) = e^x / (e^y + e^x) prob_of_keeping_old = expit(tree.logweight - neg_energy) remain = random.bernoulli(key, prob_of_keeping_old) proposal_candidate = select(remain, tree.proposal_candidate, qp) # NOTE, set an invalid depth as to indicate that adding a single QP to a # perfect binary tree does not yield another perfect binary tree cum_acceptance = tree.cumulative_acceptance + jnp.minimum( 1., jnp.exp(initial_neg_energy - neg_energy) ) return Tree( left, right, total_logweight, proposal_candidate, turning=tree.turning, diverging=diverging, depth=-1, cumulative_acceptance=cum_acceptance )
[docs] def merge_trees(key, current_subtree, new_subtree, go_right, bias_transition): """Merges two trees, propagating the proposal_candidate""" # 5. decide which sample to take based on total weights (merge trees) if bias_transition: # Bias the transition towards the new subtree (see Betancourt # conceptual intro (and Numpyro)) transition_probability = jnp.minimum( 1., jnp.exp(new_subtree.logweight - current_subtree.logweight) ) else: # expit(x-y) := 1 / (1 + e^(-(x-y))) = 1 / (1 + e^(y-x)) = e^x / (e^y + e^x) transition_probability = expit( new_subtree.logweight - current_subtree.logweight ) # print(f"prob of choosing new sample: {transition_probability}") new_sample = select( random.bernoulli(key, transition_probability), new_subtree.proposal_candidate, current_subtree.proposal_candidate ) # 6. define new tree left, right = select( go_right, (current_subtree.left, new_subtree.right), (new_subtree.left, current_subtree.right), ) turning = is_euclidean_uturn(left, right) diverging = current_subtree.diverging | new_subtree.diverging neg_energy = jnp.logaddexp(new_subtree.logweight, current_subtree.logweight) cum_acceptance = current_subtree.cumulative_acceptance + new_subtree.cumulative_acceptance merged_tree = Tree( left=left, right=right, logweight=neg_energy, proposal_candidate=new_sample, turning=turning, diverging=diverging, depth=current_subtree.depth + 1, cumulative_acceptance=cum_acceptance ) return merged_tree