Source code for

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-2-Clause

from dataclasses import field
from typing import Any, Callable, TypeVar

import jax
from jax.tree_util import (
    Partial, tree_flatten, tree_leaves, tree_map, tree_structure, tree_unflatten

from .misc import is_iterable_of_non_iterables, isiterable
from .model import LazyModel, NoValue
from .tree_math import ShapeWithDtype, Vector, conj, has_arithmetics, zeros_like

Q = TypeVar("Q")
P = TypeVar("P")

def _functional_conj(func):
    def func_conj(*args, **kwargs):
        # func^*(x) = (func(x^*))^*
        return conj(func(*conj(args), **conj(kwargs)))

    return func_conj

def _parse_point_estimates(point_estimates, primals):
    if isinstance(point_estimates, (tuple, list)):
        if not isinstance(primals, (Vector, dict)):
            te = "tuple-shortcut point-estimate only availble for dict/Vector "
            te += "type primals"
            raise TypeError(te)
        pe = tree_map(lambda x: False, primals)
        pe = pe.tree if isinstance(primals, Vector) else pe
        for k in point_estimates:
            pe[k] = True
        point_estimates = Vector(pe) if isinstance(primals, Vector) else pe
    if tree_structure(primals) != tree_structure(point_estimates):
        te = "`primals` and `point_estimates` pytree structre do no match"
        raise TypeError(te)

    primals_liquid, primals_frozen = [], []
    for p, ep in zip(tree_leaves(primals), tree_leaves(point_estimates)):
        if ep:
    primals_liquid = Vector(tuple(primals_liquid))
    primals_frozen = tuple(primals_frozen)
    return point_estimates, primals_liquid, primals_frozen

def _partial_argument(call, insert_axes, flat_fill):
    """For every non-None value in `insert_axes`, amend the value of `flat_fill`
    at the same position to the argument. Both `insert_axes` and `flat_fill` are
    w.r.t. the whole input argument tuple `arg` of `call(*args)`.
    if not flat_fill and not insert_axes:
        return call

    if len(insert_axes) != len(flat_fill):
        ve = "`insert_axes` and `flat_fill` must be of equal length"
        raise ValueError(ve)
    for iae, ffe in zip(insert_axes, flat_fill):
        if iae is not None and ffe is not None:
            if not isinstance(ffe, (tuple, list)):
                te = (
                    f"`flat_fill` must be a tuple of flattened pytrees;"
                    f" got '{flat_fill!r}'"
                raise TypeError(te)
            iae_leaves = tree_leaves(iae)
            if not all(isinstance(e, bool) for e in iae_leaves):
                te = "leaves of `insert_axes` elements must all be boolean"
                raise TypeError(te)
            if sum(iae_leaves) != len(ffe):
                ve = "more inserts in `insert_axes` than elements in `flat_fill`"
                raise ValueError(ve)
        elif iae is not None or ffe is not None:
            ve = (
                "both `insert_axes` and `flat_fill` must be `None` at the same"
                " positions"
            raise ValueError(ve)
    # NOTE, `tree_flatten` replaces `None`s with list of zero length
    insert_axes, in_axes_td = zip(*(tree_flatten(ia) for ia in insert_axes))

    def insert(*x):
        y = []
        assert len(x) == len(insert_axes) == len(flat_fill) == len(in_axes_td)
        for xe, iae, ffe, iatde in zip(x, insert_axes, flat_fill, in_axes_td):
            if ffe is None and not iae:
            assert iae and ffe is not None
            assert sum(iae) == len(ffe)
            xe, ffe = list(tree_leaves(xe)), list(ffe)
            ye = [xe.pop(0) if not cond else ffe.pop(0) for cond in iae]
            # for cond in iae:
            #     ye.append(xe.pop(0) if not cond else ffe.pop(0))
            y.append(tree_unflatten(iatde, ye))
        return tuple(y)

    def partially_inserted_call(*x):
        return call(*insert(*x))

    return partially_inserted_call

[docs] def partial_insert_and_remove( call, insert_axes, flat_fill, *, remove_axes=(), unflatten=None ): """Return a call in which `flat_fill` is inserted into arguments of `call` at `inset_axes` and subsequently removed from its output at `remove_axes`. This function is best understood by example: .. code-block:: python def _identity(x): return x # _identity takes exactly one argument, thus `insert_axes` and `flat_fill` # are length one tuples _id_part = jpartial( _identity, insert_axes=(jft.Vector({ "a": (True, False), "b": False }), ), flat_fill=(("THIS IS input['a'][0]", ), ) ) out = _id_part(("THIS IS input['a'][1]", "THIS IS input['b']")) assert out == jft.Vector( { "a": ("THIS IS input['a'][0]", "THIS IS input['a'][1]"), "b": "THIS IS input['b']" } ) """ call = _partial_argument(call, insert_axes=insert_axes, flat_fill=flat_fill) if not remove_axes: return call remove_axes = tree_leaves(remove_axes) if not all(isinstance(e, bool) for e in remove_axes): raise TypeError("leaves of `remove_axes` must all be boolean") def remove(x): x, y = list(tree_leaves(x)), [] if tree_structure(x) != tree_structure(remove_axes): te = ( f"`remove_axes` ({tree_structure(remove_axes)!r}) is shaped" f" differently than output of `call` ({tree_structure(x)!r})" ) raise TypeError(te) for maybe_remove, cond in zip(x, remove_axes): if not cond: y.append(maybe_remove) y = unflatten(tuple(y)) if unflatten is not None else y return y def partially_removed_call(*x): return remove(call(*x)) return partially_removed_call
def _parse_swd(shape): leaves = tree_leaves(shape) if not all(hasattr(e, "shape") and hasattr(e, "dtype") for e in leaves): if is_iterable_of_non_iterables(shape) or not isiterable(shape): shape = ShapeWithDtype(shape) else: te = "`lsm_tangents_shapes` of invalid type" raise TypeError(te) return shape
[docs] class Likelihood(LazyModel): """Storage class for keeping track of the energy, the associated left-square-root of the metric and the metric. Properties ---------- energy : callable Function evaluating the negative log-likelihood. transformation : callable Function evaluating the geometric transformation of the likelihood. normalized_residual : callable Function evaluating the data residual normalized by the standard deviation of the likelihood. left_sqrt_metric : callable Function applying the left-square-root of the metric. metric : callable Function applying the metric. domain : tree-like structure of ShapeWithDtype Structure of the input/parameter space. lsm_tangents_shape : tree-like structure of ShapeWithDtype Structure of the data space. """ _lsm_tan_shp: Any = None
[docs] def __init__( self, *, domain=NoValue, init=NoValue, lsm_tangents_shape=None ): # NOTE, `lsm_tangents_shape` is not `normalized_residual` applied to # `domain` for e.g. models with a learnable covariance self._lsm_tan_shp = _parse_swd(lsm_tangents_shape) super().__init__(domain=domain, init=init)
[docs] def __call__(self, primals, **primals_kw): """Convenience method to access the `energy` method of this instance.""" return, **primals_kw)
[docs] def energy(self, primals, **primals_kw): """Applies the energy to `primals`. Parameters ---------- primals : tree-like structure Position at which to evaluate the energy. **primals_kw : Any Additional arguments passed on to the energy. Returns ------- energy : float Energy at the position `primals`. """ nie = "`energy` is not implemented" raise NotImplementedError(nie)
[docs] def normalized_residual(self, primals, **primals_kw): """Applies the normalized_residual to `primals`. Parameters ---------- primals : tree-like structure Position at which to evaluate the energy. **primals_kw : Any Additional arguments passed on to the energy. Returns ------- normalized_residual : tree-like structure Structure of the same type as lsm_tangents_shape for which the normalized_residual is computed. """ nie = "`normalized_residual` is not implemented" raise NotImplementedError(nie)
[docs] def metric(self, primals, tangents, **primals_kw): """Applies the metric at `primals` to `tangents`. Parameters ---------- primals : tree-like structure Position at which to evaluate the metric. tangents : tree-like structure Instance to which to apply the metric. **primals_kw : Any Additional arguments passed on to the metric. Returns ------- naturally_curved : tree-like structure Tree-like structure of the same type as primals to which the metric has been applied to. """ lsm_at_p = Partial(self.left_sqrt_metric, primals, **primals_kw) return lsm_at_p(self.right_sqrt_metric(primals, tangents, **primals_kw))
[docs] def left_sqrt_metric(self, primals, tangents, **primals_kw): """Applies the left-square-root (LSM) of the metric at `primals` to `tangents`. Parameters ---------- primals : tree-like structure Position at which to evaluate the metric. tangents : tree-like structure Instance to which to apply the metric. Must be of shape `lsm_tangents_shape`. **primals_kw : Any Additional arguments passed on to the LSM. Returns ------- metric_sample : tree-like structure Tree-like structure of the same type as primals to which the left-square-root of the metric has been applied to. """ _, bwd = jax.vjp(Partial(self.transformation, **primals_kw), primals) bwd = _functional_conj(bwd) res = bwd(tangents) return res[0]
[docs] def right_sqrt_metric(self, primals, tangents, **primals_kw): """Applies the right-square-root (RSM) of the metric at `primals` to `tangents`. Parameters ---------- primals : tree-like structure Position at which to evaluate the metric. tangents : tree-like structure Instance to which to apply the metric. Must be of the same shape as `primals`. **primals_kw : Any Additional arguments passed on to the RSM. Returns ------- metric_sample : tree-like structure Tree-like structure of the same type as `left_sqrt_metric_tangents_shape`. """ lsm_at_p = Partial(self.left_sqrt_metric, primals, **primals_kw) rsm_at_p = jax.linear_transpose( lsm_at_p, self.left_sqrt_metric_tangents_shape ) rsm_at_p = _functional_conj(rsm_at_p) return rsm_at_p(tangents)[0]
[docs] def transformation(self, primals, **primals_kw): """Applies the coordinate transformation that maps into a coordinate system in which the metric of the likelihood is the Euclidean metric. Parameters ---------- primals : tree-like structure Position at which to transform. **primals_kw : Any Additional arguments passed on to the transformation. Returns ------- transformed_sample : tree-like structure Structure of the same type as lsm_tangents_shape to which the geometric transformation has been applied to. """ raise NotImplementedError("`transformation` is not implemented")
@property def left_sqrt_metric_tangents_shape(self): """Retrieves the shape of the tangent domain of the left-square-root of the metric. """ return self._lsm_tan_shp @property def lsm_tangents_shape(self): """Alias for `left_sqrt_metric_tangents_shape`.""" return self.left_sqrt_metric_tangents_shape @property def right_sqrt_metric_tangents_shape(self): """Retrieves the shape of the tangent domain of the right-square-root of the metric, a.k.a. the domain. """ return self.domain @property def rsm_tangents_shape(self): """Alias for `right_sqrt_metric_tangents_shape`.""" return self.right_sqrt_metric_tangents_shape
[docs] def amend( self, f: Callable, /, *, domain=NoValue, likelihood_argnames=None ): """Amend a forward model to the likelihood.""" return LikelihoodWithModel( self, f, domain=domain, likelihood_argnames=likelihood_argnames )
def __add__(self, other): return LikelihoodSum(self, other)
[docs] def freeze(self, *, primals, point_estimates): """Returns a new likelihood with partially inserted `primals` and the remaining unfrozen/liquid `primals`. """ if not point_estimates: return self, primals lp = LikelihoodPartial( self, primals=primals, point_estimates=point_estimates ) return lp, lp.splitx(primals)[0]
[docs] class LikelihoodPartial(Likelihood): """Likelihood with partially inserted `primals`.""" likelihood: Likelihood = field(metadata=dict(static=False)) primals_frozen: Any = field(metadata=dict(static=False))
[docs] def __init__( self, likelihood, /, *, primals, point_estimates, ): self.likelihood = likelihood self.point_estimates = point_estimates self.insert_axes, pl, self.primals_frozen = _parse_point_estimates( self.point_estimates, primals ) self.unflatten = Vector if self.insert_axes else None super().__init__( domain=tree_map(ShapeWithDtype.from_leave, pl), lsm_tangents_shape=self.likelihood.lsm_tangents_shape, )
@property def energy(self): return partial_insert_and_remove(, insert_axes=(self.insert_axes, ), flat_fill=(self.primals_frozen, ), remove_axes=None, ) @property def transformation(self): return partial_insert_and_remove( self.likelihood.transformation, insert_axes=(self.insert_axes, ), flat_fill=(self.primals_frozen, ), remove_axes=None, ) @property def left_sqrt_metric(self): return partial_insert_and_remove( self.likelihood.left_sqrt_metric, insert_axes=(self.insert_axes, None), flat_fill=(self.primals_frozen, None), remove_axes=self.insert_axes, unflatten=self.unflatten, ) @property def right_sqrt_metric(self): return partial_insert_and_remove( self.likelihood.right_sqrt_metric, insert_axes=(self.insert_axes, self.insert_axes), flat_fill=(self.primals_frozen, zeros_like(self.primals_frozen)), remove_axes=None, ) @property def metric(self): return partial_insert_and_remove( self.likelihood.metric, insert_axes=(self.insert_axes, self.insert_axes), flat_fill=(self.primals_frozen, zeros_like(self.primals_frozen)), remove_axes=self.insert_axes, unflatten=self.unflatten, ) @property def normalized_residual(self): return partial_insert_and_remove( self.likelihood.normalized_residual, insert_axes=(self.insert_axes, ), flat_fill=(self.primals_frozen, ), remove_axes=None, )
[docs] def splitx(self, primals): """Split the primals into liquid and frozen. Parameters ---------- primals : tree-like structure Position at which to evaluate the energy. Returns ------- primals_liqud : tree-like structure Liquid/dynamic part of the position at which to evaluate the energy. primals_frozen : tree-like structure Frozen/static part of the position at which to evaluate the energy. """ return _parse_point_estimates(self.point_estimates, primals)[1:]
[docs] class LikelihoodWithModel(Likelihood): likelihood: Likelihood = field(metadata=dict(static=False)) forward: Callable = field(metadata=dict(static=False)) likelihood_argnames: tuple = ()
[docs] def __init__( self, likelihood: Likelihood, f: Callable, /, *, domain=NoValue, init=NoValue, likelihood_argnames=None, ): """Amend the function `f` to the right of the likelihood. Parameters ---------- f : Callable Function which to amend to the likelihood. likelihood_argnames : tuple or None Keys of the keyword arguments of the joined likelihood which to pass to the original likelihood. Passing `None` indicates the intent to absorb everything not explicitly absorbed by the other call. Returns ------- lh : Likelihood """ self.likelihood = likelihood if not callable(f): te = f"second argument to {self.__class__.__name__} must be callable; got {f!r}" raise TypeError(te) self.forward = f if isinstance(f, LazyModel) else Partial(f) likelihood_argnames = ( ) if likelihood_argnames is None else likelihood_argnames if not isinstance(likelihood_argnames, (tuple, list)): te = f"invalid `likelihood_argnames` {self.likelihood_argnames!r}" raise TypeError(te) self.likelihood_argnames = likelihood_argnames domain = f.domain if domain is NoValue and isinstance( f, LazyModel ) else domain init = f.init if init is NoValue and isinstance(f, LazyModel) else init super().__init__( domain=domain, init=init, lsm_tangents_shape=self.likelihood.lsm_tangents_shape, )
def _split_kwargs(self, **kwargs): left = {k: kwargs.pop(k) for k in self.likelihood_argnames} return left, kwargs
[docs] def energy(self, primals, **kwargs): kw_l, kw_r = self._split_kwargs(**kwargs) return self.likelihood(self.forward(primals, **kw_r), **kw_l)
[docs] def normalized_residual(self, primals, **kwargs): kw_l, kw_r = self._split_kwargs(**kwargs) return self.likelihood.normalized_residual( self.forward(primals, **kw_r), **kw_l )
[docs] def transformation(self, primals, **kwargs): kw_l, kw_r = self._split_kwargs(**kwargs) return self.likelihood.transformation( self.forward(primals, **kw_r), **kw_l )
[docs] def metric(self, primals, tangents, **kwargs): kw_l, kw_r = self._split_kwargs(**kwargs) # Note, judging by a simple benchmark on a large problem, # transposing the JVP seems faster than computing the VJP again. On # small problems there seems to be no measurable difference. y, fwd = jax.linearize(Partial(self.forward, **kw_r), primals) bwd = jax.linear_transpose(fwd, primals) bwd = _functional_conj(bwd) return bwd(self.likelihood.metric(y, fwd(tangents), **kw_l))[0]
[docs] def left_sqrt_metric(self, primals, tangents, **kwargs): kw_l, kw_r = self._split_kwargs(**kwargs) y, bwd = jax.vjp(Partial(self.forward, **kw_r), primals) bwd = _functional_conj(bwd) left_at_fp = self.likelihood.left_sqrt_metric(y, tangents, **kw_l) return bwd(left_at_fp)[0]
[docs] def right_sqrt_metric(self, primals, tangents, **kwargs): kw_l, kw_r = self._split_kwargs(**kwargs) y, fwd = jax.linearize(Partial(self.forward, **kw_r), primals) return self.likelihood.right_sqrt_metric(y, fwd(tangents), **kw_l)
[docs] def amend( self, f: Callable, *, domain=NoValue, left_argnames=None, likelihood_argnames=None, ): domain = f.domain if domain is NoValue and isinstance( f, LazyModel ) else domain left_argnames = () if left_argnames is None else left_argnames likelihood_argnames = ( self.likelihood_argnames if likelihood_argnames is None else likelihood_argnames ) def ff(primals, **kwargs): kw_l = {k: kwargs.pop(k) for k in left_argnames} kw_r = kwargs return self.forward(f(primals, **kw_r), **kw_l) return self.__class__( self.likelihood, ff, domain=domain, likelihood_argnames=likelihood_argnames, )
[docs] class LikelihoodSum(Likelihood): left_likelihood: Likelihood = field(metadata=dict(static=False)) right_likelihood: Likelihood = field(metadata=dict(static=False))
[docs] def __init__( self, left, right, /, domain=NoValue, init=NoValue, _left_key="lh_left", _right_key="lh_right", ): if not (isinstance(left, Likelihood) and isinstance(right, Likelihood)): te = ( "object which to add to this instance is of invalid type" f" {type(right)!r}" ) raise TypeError(te) self._lkey, self._rkey = _left_key, _right_key joined_tangents_shape = { self._lkey: left._lsm_tan_shp, self._rkey: right._lsm_tan_shp, } if isinstance(left._lsm_tan_shp, Vector) or isinstance(right._lsm_tan_shp, Vector): joined_tangents_shape = Vector(joined_tangents_shape) if ( domain is NoValue and left.domain is not NoValue and right.domain is not NoValue ): lvec = isinstance(left.domain, Vector) rvec = isinstance(right.domain, Vector) ldomain = left.domain.tree if lvec else left.domain rdomain = right.domain.tree if rvec else right.domain domain = ldomain | rdomain domain = Vector(domain) if lvec or rvec else domain isswd = hasattr(domain, "shape") and hasattr(domain, "dtype") if not isswd and not has_arithmetics(domain): ve = ( "domains of the Likelihood-summands must support core" " arithmetic operations" "\nmaybe you forgot to wrap your inputs to the liklihoods" " in `Vector`s" ) raise ValueError(ve) self.left_likelihood = left self.right_likelihood = right super().__init__( domain=domain, init=init, lsm_tangents_shape=joined_tangents_shape )
[docs] def energy(self, primals, **kwargs): return primals, **kwargs ) +, **kwargs)
[docs] def normalized_residual(self, primals, **kwargs): lres = self.left_likelihood.normalized_residual(primals, **kwargs) rres = self.right_likelihood.normalized_residual(primals, **kwargs) lvec, rvec = isinstance(lres, Vector), isinstance(rres, Vector) res = {self._lkey: lres, self._rkey: rres} res = Vector(res) if lvec or rvec else res return res
[docs] def metric(self, primals, tangents, **kwargs): return self.left_likelihood.metric( primals, tangents, **kwargs ) + self.right_likelihood.metric(primals, tangents, **kwargs)
[docs] def transformation(self, primals, **kwargs): lres = self.left_likelihood.transformation(primals, **kwargs) rres = self.right_likelihood.transformation(primals, **kwargs) lvec, rvec = isinstance(lres, Vector), isinstance(rres, Vector) res = {self._lkey: lres, self._rkey: rres} res = Vector(res) if lvec or rvec else res return res
[docs] def left_sqrt_metric(self, primals, tangents, **kwargs): return self.left_likelihood.left_sqrt_metric( primals, tangents[self._lkey], **kwargs ) + self.right_likelihood.left_sqrt_metric( primals, tangents[self._rkey], **kwargs )
[docs] def right_sqrt_metric(self, primals, tangents, **kwargs): lres = self.left_likelihood.right_sqrt_metric( primals, tangents, **kwargs ) rres = self.right_likelihood.right_sqrt_metric( primals, tangents, **kwargs ) lvec, rvec = isinstance(lres, Vector), isinstance(rres, Vector) res = {self._lkey: lres, self._rkey: rres} res = Vector(res) if lvec or rvec else res return res