Source code for

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-2-Clause

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Hashable, Mapping, TypeVar

import jax
from jax import numpy as jnp

O = TypeVar('O')
I = TypeVar('I')

[docs] def hvp(f, primals, tangents): return jax.jvp(jax.grad(f), primals, tangents)[1]
[docs] def split(mappable, keys): """Split a dictionary into one containing only the specified keys and one with all of the remaining ones. """ sel, rest = {}, {} for k, v in mappable.items(): if k in keys: sel[k] = v else: rest[k] = v return sel, rest
[docs] def isiterable(candidate): try: iter(candidate) return True except (TypeError, AttributeError): return False
[docs] def is_iterable_of_non_iterables(ls: Any) -> bool: """Indicates whether the input is one dimensional. An object is considered one dimensional if it is an iterable of non-iterable items. """ if hasattr(ls, "ndim"): return ls.ndim == 1 if not isiterable(ls): return False return all(not isiterable(e) for e in ls)
[docs] def doc_from(original): def wrapper(target): target.__doc__ = original.__doc__ return target return wrapper
[docs] def wrap( call: Callable[[I], O], name: Hashable, ) -> Callable[[Mapping[Hashable, I]], O]: def named_call(p): return call(p[name]) return named_call
[docs] def wrap_left( call: Callable[[I], O], name: Hashable, ) -> Callable[[I], Dict[Hashable, O]]: def named_call(p): return {name: call(p)} return named_call
[docs] def interpolate(xmin=-7., xmax=7., N=14000) -> Callable: """Replaces a local nonlinearity such as jnp.exp with a linear interpolation Interpolating functions speeds up code and increases numerical stability in some cases, but at a cost of precision and range. Parameters ---------- xmin : float Minimal interpolation value. Default: -7. xmax : float Maximal interpolation value. Default: 7. N : int Number of points used for the interpolation. Default: 14000 """ def decorator(f): from functools import wraps x = jnp.linspace(xmin, xmax, N) y = f(x) @wraps(f) def wrapper(t): return jnp.interp(t, x, y) return wrapper return decorator