Source code for

from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, Optional

from jax import numpy as jnp
from jax.tree_util import Partial, tree_map

from ..tree_math.vector_math import any as tree_any

exp = partial(tree_map, jnp.exp)
sqrt = partial(tree_map, jnp.sqrt)
log = partial(tree_map, jnp.log)
log1p = partial(tree_map, jnp.log1p)

def _standard_to_laplace(xi, *, alpha):
    from jax.scipy.stats import norm

    norm_logcdf = partial(tree_map, norm.logcdf)

    res = (xi < 0) * (norm_logcdf(xi) + jnp.log(2))
    res -= (xi > 0) * (norm_logcdf(-xi) + jnp.log(2))
    return res * alpha

[docs] def laplace_prior(alpha) -> Partial: """ Takes random normal samples and outputs samples distributed according to .. math:: P(x|a) = exp(-|x|/a)/a/2 """ return Partial(_standard_to_laplace, alpha=alpha)
def _standard_to_normal(xi, *, mean, std): return mean + std * xi
[docs] def normal_prior(mean, std) -> Partial: """Match standard normally distributed random variables to non-standard variables. """ return Partial(_standard_to_normal, mean=mean, std=std)
def _normal_to_standard(y, *, mean, std): return (y - mean) / std
[docs] def normal_invprior(mean, std) -> Partial: """Get the inverse transform to `normal_prior`.""" return Partial(_normal_to_standard, mean=mean, std=std)
[docs] def lognormal_moments(mean, std): """Compute the cumulants a log-normal process would need to comply with the provided mean and standard-deviation `std` """ if tree_any(mean <= 0.): raise ValueError(f"`mean` must be greater zero; got {mean!r}") if tree_any(std <= 0.): raise ValueError(f"`std` must be greater zero; got {std!r}") logstd = sqrt(log1p((std / mean)**2)) logmean = log(mean) - 0.5 * logstd**2 return logmean, logstd
def _standard_to_lognormal(xi, *, log_mean, log_std): return exp(_standard_to_normal(xi, mean=log_mean, std=log_std))
[docs] def lognormal_prior(mean, std, *, _log_mean=None, _log_std=None) -> Partial: """Moment-match standard normally distributed random variables to log-space Takes random normal samples and outputs samples distributed according to .. math:: P(xi|mu,sigma) \\propto exp(mu + sigma * xi) such that the mean and standard deviation of the distribution matches the specified values. """ if _log_mean is None and _log_std is None: _log_mean, _log_std = lognormal_moments(mean, std) return Partial(_standard_to_lognormal, log_mean=_log_mean, log_std=_log_std)
def _lognormal_to_standard(y, *, log_mean, log_std): return _normal_to_standard(log(y), mean=log_mean, std=log_std)
[docs] def lognormal_invprior(mean, std, *, _log_mean=None, _log_std=None) -> Partial: """Get the inverse transform to `lognormal_prior`.""" if _log_mean is None and _log_std is None: _log_mean, _log_std = lognormal_moments(mean, std) return Partial(_lognormal_to_standard, log_mean=_log_mean, log_std=_log_std)
def _standard_to_uniform(xi, *, a_min, scale): from jax.scipy.stats import norm return a_min + scale * tree_map(norm.cdf, xi)
[docs] def uniform_prior(a_min=0., a_max=1.) -> Partial: """Transform a standard normal into a uniform distribution. Parameters ---------- a_min : float Minimum value. a_max : float Maximum value. """ from jax.scipy.stats import norm if isinstance(a_min, float) and isinstance( a_max, float ) and a_min == 0. and a_max == 1.: return Partial(partial(tree_map, norm.cdf)) scale = a_max - a_min return Partial(_standard_to_uniform, a_min=a_min, scale=scale)
[docs] def interpolator( func: Callable, xmin: float, xmax: float, *, step: Optional[float] = None, num: Optional[int] = None, table_func: Optional[Callable] = None, inv_table_func: Optional[Callable] = None, return_inverse: Optional[bool] = False ): # Adapted from NIFTy """ Evaluate a function point-wise by interpolation. Can be supplied with a table_func to increase the interpolation accuracy, Best results are achieved when `lambda x: table_func(func(x))` is roughly linear. Parameters ---------- func : function Function to interpolate. xmin : float The smallest value for which `func` will be evaluated. xmax : float The largest value for which `func` will be evaluated. step : float Distance between sampling points for linear interpolation. Either of `step` or `num` must be specified. num : int The number of interpolation points. Either of `step` of `num` must be specified. table_func : function Non-linear function applied to the tabulated function in order to transform the table to a more linear space. inv_table_func : function Inverse of `table_func`. return_inverse : bool Whether to also return the interpolation of the inverse of `func`. Only sensible if `func` is invertible. """ # from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline if step is not None and num is not None: ve = "either but not both of `step` and `num` must be specified" raise ValueError(ve) if step is not None: xs = jnp.arange(xmin, xmax + step, step) elif num is not None: xs = jnp.linspace(xmin, xmax, num) else: ve = "either of `step` or `num` must be specified" raise ValueError(ve) ys = func(xs) if table_func is not None: if inv_table_func is None: raise ValueError("no `inv_table_func` specified") ys = table_func(ys) # interpolator = CubicSpline(xs, ys) # deriv = interpolator.derivative() def interp(x): # res = interpolator(x) res = jnp.interp(x, xs, ys) if inv_table_func is not None: res = inv_table_func(res) return res if return_inverse: def inverse_interp(y): if table_func is not None: y = table_func(y) return jnp.interp(y, ys, xs) return interp, inverse_interp return interp
[docs] def invgamma_prior(a, scale, loc=0., step=1e-2) -> Callable: """Transform a standard normal into an inverse gamma distribution. The pdf of the inverse gamma distribution is defined as follows using :math:`q` to denote the scale: .. math:: P(x|q, a) = \\frac{q^a}{\\Gamma(a)}x^{-a -1} \\exp \\left(-\\frac{q}{x}\\right) That means that for large x the pdf falls off like :math:`x^{(-a -1)}`. The mean of the pdf is at :math:`q / (a - 1)` if :math:`a > 1`. The mode is :math:`q / (a + 1)`. This transformation is implemented as a linear interpolation which maps a Gaussian onto an inverse gamma distribution. Parameters ---------- a : float The shape-parameter of the inverse-gamma distribution. scale : float The scale-parameter of the inverse-gamma distribution. loc : float An option shift of the whole distribution. step : float Distance between sampling points for linear interpolation. """ from scipy.stats import invgamma, norm if not jnp.isscalar(a) or not jnp.isscalar(loc): te = ( "Shape `a` and location `loc` must be of scalar type" f"; got {type(a)} and {type(loc)} respectively" ) raise TypeError(te) if loc == 0.: # Pull out `scale` to interpolate less s2i = lambda x: invgamma.ppf(norm._cdf(x), a=a) elif jnp.isscalar(scale): s2i = lambda x: invgamma.ppf(norm._cdf(x), a=a, loc=loc, scale=scale) else: raise TypeError("`scale` may only be array-like for `loc == 0.`") xmin, xmax = -8.2, 8.2 # (1. - norm.cdf(8.2)) * 2 < 1e-15 standard_to_invgamma_interp = interpolator( s2i, xmin, xmax, step=step, table_func=jnp.log, inv_table_func=jnp.exp ) def standard_to_invgamma(x): # Allow for array-like `scale` without separate interpolations and only # interpolate for shape `a` and `loc` if loc == 0.: return standard_to_invgamma_interp(x) * scale return standard_to_invgamma_interp(x) return standard_to_invgamma
[docs] def invgamma_invprior(a, scale, loc=0., step=1e-2) -> Callable: """Get the inverse transformation to `invgamma_prior`.""" from scipy.stats import invgamma, norm xmin, xmax = -8.2, 8.2 # (1. - norm.cdf(8.2)) * 2 < 1e-15 _, invgamma_to_standard = interpolator( lambda x: invgamma.ppf(norm._cdf(x), a=a, loc=loc, scale=scale), xmin, xmax, step=step, table_func=jnp.log, inv_table_func=jnp.exp, return_inverse=True ) return invgamma_to_standard