Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-2-Clause

from functools import partial
from math import ceil
from string import ascii_uppercase
from typing import Literal, Union

from jax import vmap
from jax import numpy as jnp
from jax.lax import conv_general_dilated, dynamic_slice, fori_loop
import numpy as np

NDARRAY = Union[jnp.ndarray, np.ndarray]
# N - batch dimension
# C - feature dimension of data (channel)
# I - input dimension of kernel
# O - output dimension of kernel
CONV_DIMENSION_NAMES = "".join(el for el in ascii_uppercase if el not in "NCIO")

def _assert(assertion):
    if not assertion:
        raise AssertionError()

def _vmap_squeeze_first(fun, *args, **kwargs):
    vfun = vmap(fun, *args, **kwargs)

    def vfun_apply(*x):
        return vfun(jnp.squeeze(x[0], axis=0), *x[1:])

    return vfun_apply

[docs] def refine_conv_general( coarse_values, excitations, olf, fine_kernel_sqrt, precision=None, _coarse_size: int = 3, _fine_size: int = 2, _fine_strategy: Literal["jump", "extend"] = "jump", ): ndim = np.ndim(coarse_values) # Introduce an artificial channel dimension for the matrix product # TODO: allow different grid sizes for different axis csz = int(_coarse_size) # coarse size if _coarse_size % 2 != 1: raise ValueError("only odd numbers allowed for `_coarse_size`") fsz = int(_fine_size) # fine size if _fine_size % 2 != 0: raise ValueError("only even numbers allowed for `_fine_size`") if olf.shape[:-2] != fine_kernel_sqrt.shape[:-2]: ve = ( "incompatible optimal linear filter (`olf`) and `fine_kernel_sqrt` shapes" f"; got {olf.shape} and {fine_kernel_sqrt.shape}" ) raise ValueError(ve) if olf.ndim > 2: irreg_shape = olf.shape[:-2] elif olf.ndim == 2: irreg_shape = (1, ) * ndim else: ve = f"invalid shape of optimal linear filter (`olf`); got {olf.shape}" raise ValueError(ve) olf = olf.reshape( irreg_shape + (fsz**ndim, ) + (csz, ) * (ndim - 1) + (1, csz) ) fine_kernel_sqrt = fine_kernel_sqrt.reshape(irreg_shape + (fsz**ndim, ) * 2) if _fine_strategy == "jump": window_strides = (1, ) * ndim fine_init_shape = tuple(n - (csz - 1) for n in coarse_values.shape) + (fsz**ndim, ) fine_final_shape = tuple( fsz * (n - (csz - 1)) for n in coarse_values.shape ) convolution_slices = list(range(csz)) elif _fine_strategy == "extend": window_strides = (fsz // 2, ) * ndim fine_init_shape = tuple( ceil((n - (csz - 1)) / (fsz // 2)) for n in coarse_values.shape ) + (fsz**ndim, ) fine_final_shape = tuple( fsz * ceil((n - (csz - 1)) / (fsz // 2)) for n in coarse_values.shape ) convolution_slices = list(range(0, csz * fsz // 2, fsz // 2)) if fsz // 2 > csz: ve = "extrapolation is not allowed (use `fine_size / 2 <= coarse_size`)" raise ValueError(ve) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `_fine_strategy`; got {_fine_strategy}") if ndim > len(CONV_DIMENSION_NAMES): ve = f"convolution for {ndim} dimensions not yet implemented" raise ValueError(ve) dim_names = CONV_DIMENSION_NAMES[:ndim] conv = partial( conv_general_dilated, window_strides=window_strides, padding="valid", # channel-last layout is most efficient for vision models (at least in # PyTorch) dimension_numbers=( f"N{dim_names}C", f"O{dim_names}I", f"N{dim_names}C" ), precision=precision, ) c_shp_n1 = coarse_values.shape[-1] c_slc_shp = (1, ) c_slc_shp += tuple( c if i == 1 else csz for i, c in zip(irreg_shape, coarse_values.shape[:-1]) ) c_slc_shp += (-1, csz) fine = jnp.zeros(fine_init_shape) # TODO: Use `jnp.mgrid` (np.mgrid[-1<<31:(-1<<31) + 1] ?) PLC = -1 << 31 # integer placeholder outside of the here encountered regimes irreg_indices = jnp.stack( jnp.meshgrid( *[ jnp.arange(sz) if sz != 1 else jnp.array([PLC]) for sz in irreg_shape ], indexing="ij" ), axis=-1 ) # TODO: register a custom transpose for the fori_loop (since VJP works, why # not just use that :)) or use vmap or the like here def single_refinement_step(i, fine: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: irreg_idx = jnp.unravel_index(i, irreg_indices.shape[:-1]) _assert( len(irreg_shape) == len(irreg_indices[irreg_idx]) == len(window_strides) ) fine_init_idx = tuple( idx if sz != 1 else slice(None) for sz, idx in zip(irreg_shape, irreg_indices[irreg_idx]) ) # Make JAX/XLA happy with `dynamic_slice` coarse_idx = tuple( (ws * idx, csz) if sz != 1 else (0, cend) for ws, sz, idx, cend in zip( window_strides, irreg_shape, irreg_indices[irreg_idx], coarse_values.shape ) ) coarse_idx_select = partial( dynamic_slice, start_indices=list(zip(*coarse_idx))[0], slice_sizes=list(zip(*coarse_idx))[1] ) olf_at_i = jnp.squeeze( olf[fine_init_idx], axis=tuple(range(sum(i == 1 for i in irreg_shape))) ) if irreg_shape[-1] == 1 and fine_init_shape[-1] != 1: _assert(fine_init_idx[-1] == slice(None)) # loop over conv channel offsets to apply the filter matrix in a convolution for i_f, i_c in enumerate(convolution_slices): c = conv( coarse_idx_select(coarse_values)[..., i_c:c_shp_n1 - (c_shp_n1 - i_c) % csz].reshape(c_slc_shp), olf_at_i )[0] c = jnp.squeeze( c, axis=tuple(a for a, i in enumerate(irreg_shape) if i != 1) ) toti = fine_init_idx[:-1] + (slice(i_f, None, csz), ) fine =[toti].set(c) else: _assert( not isinstance(fine_init_idx[-1], slice) and fine_init_idx[-1].ndim == 0 ) c = conv( coarse_idx_select(coarse_values).reshape(c_slc_shp), olf_at_i )[0] c = jnp.squeeze( c, axis=tuple(a for a, i in enumerate(irreg_shape) if i != 1) ) fine =[fine_init_idx].set(c) return fine fine = fori_loop( 0,[:-1]), single_refinement_step, fine ) matmul = partial(jnp.matmul, precision=precision) for i in irreg_shape[::-1]: if i != 1: matmul = vmap(matmul, in_axes=(0, 0)) else: matmul = _vmap_squeeze_first(matmul, in_axes=(None, 0)) m = matmul(fine_kernel_sqrt, excitations.reshape(fine_init_shape)) rm_axs = tuple( ax for ax, i in enumerate(m.shape[len(irreg_shape):], len(irreg_shape)) if i == 1 ) fine += jnp.squeeze(m, axis=rm_axs) fine = fine.reshape(fine.shape[:-1] + (fsz, ) * ndim) ax_label = np.arange(2 * ndim) ax_t = [e for els in zip(ax_label[:ndim], ax_label[ndim:]) for e in els] fine = jnp.transpose(fine, axes=ax_t) return fine.reshape(fine_final_shape)
[docs] def refine_slice( coarse_values, excitations, olf, fine_kernel_sqrt, precision=None, _coarse_size: int = 3, _fine_size: int = 2, _fine_strategy: Literal["jump", "extend"] = "jump", ): ndim = np.ndim(coarse_values) csz = int(_coarse_size) # coarse size if _coarse_size % 2 != 1: raise ValueError("only odd numbers allowed for `_coarse_size`") fsz = int(_fine_size) # fine size if _fine_size % 2 != 0: raise ValueError("only even numbers allowed for `_fine_size`") if olf.shape[:-2] != fine_kernel_sqrt.shape[:-2]: ve = ( "incompatible optimal linear filter (`olf`) and `fine_kernel_sqrt` shapes" f"; got {olf.shape} and {fine_kernel_sqrt.shape}" ) raise ValueError(ve) if olf.ndim > 2: irreg_shape = olf.shape[:-2] elif olf.ndim == 2: irreg_shape = (1, ) * ndim else: ve = f"invalid shape of optimal linear filter (`olf`); got {olf.shape}" raise ValueError(ve) olf = olf.reshape(irreg_shape + (fsz**ndim, ) + (csz, ) * ndim) fine_kernel_sqrt = fine_kernel_sqrt.reshape(irreg_shape + (fsz**ndim, ) * 2) if _fine_strategy == "jump": window_strides = (1, ) * ndim fine_init_shape = tuple(n - (csz - 1) for n in coarse_values.shape) + (fsz**ndim, ) fine_final_shape = tuple( fsz * (n - (csz - 1)) for n in coarse_values.shape ) elif _fine_strategy == "extend": window_strides = (fsz // 2, ) * ndim fine_init_shape = tuple( ceil((n - (csz - 1)) / (fsz // 2)) for n in coarse_values.shape ) + (fsz**ndim, ) fine_final_shape = tuple( fsz * ceil((n - (csz - 1)) / (fsz // 2)) for n in coarse_values.shape ) if fsz // 2 > csz: ve = "extrapolation is not allowed (use `fine_size / 2 <= coarse_size`)" raise ValueError(ve) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid `_fine_strategy`; got {_fine_strategy}") def matmul_with_window_into(x, y, idx): return jnp.tensordot( x, dynamic_slice(y, idx, slice_sizes=(csz, ) * ndim), axes=ndim, precision=precision ) filter_coarse = matmul_with_window_into corr_fine = partial(jnp.matmul, precision=precision) for i in irreg_shape[::-1]: if i != 1: filter_coarse = vmap(filter_coarse, in_axes=(0, None, 1)) corr_fine = vmap(corr_fine, in_axes=(0, 0)) else: filter_coarse = _vmap_squeeze_first( filter_coarse, in_axes=(None, None, 1) ) corr_fine = _vmap_squeeze_first(corr_fine, in_axes=(None, 0)) cv_idx = np.mgrid[tuple( slice(None, sz - csz + 1, ws) for sz, ws in zip(coarse_values.shape, window_strides) )] fine = filter_coarse(olf, coarse_values, cv_idx) m = corr_fine(fine_kernel_sqrt, excitations.reshape(fine_init_shape)) rm_axs = tuple( ax for ax, i in enumerate(m.shape[len(irreg_shape):], len(irreg_shape)) if i == 1 ) fine += jnp.squeeze(m, axis=rm_axs) fine = fine.reshape(fine.shape[:-1] + (fsz, ) * ndim) ax_label = np.arange(2 * ndim) ax_t = [e for els in zip(ax_label[:ndim], ax_label[ndim:]) for e in els] fine = jnp.transpose(fine, axes=ax_t) return fine.reshape(fine_final_shape)
[docs] def refine_conv( coarse_values, excitations, olf, fine_kernel_sqrt, precision=None ): fine_m = vmap( partial(jnp.convolve, mode="valid", precision=precision), in_axes=(None, 0), out_axes=0 )(coarse_values, olf[::-1]) fine_m = jnp.moveaxis(fine_m, (0, ), (1, )) fine_std = vmap(jnp.matmul, in_axes=(None, 0))( fine_kernel_sqrt, excitations.reshape(-1, fine_kernel_sqrt.shape[-1]) ) return (fine_m + fine_std).ravel()
[docs] def refine_loop( coarse_values, excitations, olf, fine_kernel_sqrt, precision=None ): fine_m = [ jnp.convolve(coarse_values, o, mode="valid", precision=precision) for o in olf[::-1] ] fine_m = jnp.stack(fine_m, axis=1) fine_std = vmap(jnp.matmul, in_axes=(None, 0))( fine_kernel_sqrt, excitations.reshape(-1, fine_kernel_sqrt.shape[-1]) ) return (fine_m + fine_std).ravel()
[docs] def refine_vmap( coarse_values, excitations, olf, fine_kernel_sqrt, precision=None ): sh0 = coarse_values.shape[0] conv = vmap( partial(jnp.matmul, precision=precision), in_axes=(None, 0), out_axes=0 ) fine_m = jnp.zeros((coarse_values.size - 2, 2)) fine_m =[0::3].set( conv(olf, coarse_values[:sh0 - sh0 % 3].reshape(-1, 3)) ) fine_m =[1::3].set( conv(olf, coarse_values[1:sh0 - (sh0 - 1) % 3].reshape(-1, 3)) ) fine_m =[2::3].set( conv(olf, coarse_values[2:sh0 - (sh0 - 2) % 3].reshape(-1, 3)) ) fine_std = vmap(jnp.matmul, in_axes=(None, 0))( fine_kernel_sqrt, excitations.reshape(-1, fine_kernel_sqrt.shape[-1]) ) return (fine_m + fine_std).ravel()
refine = refine_slice