Source code for

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-2-Clause

from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple, Union

import jax
from jax import numpy as jnp
import numpy as np

from .correlated_field import get_fourier_mode_distributor, hartley

NDArray = Union[jnp.ndarray, np.ndarray]

[docs] def matmul_toeplitz(c, x): """Efficiently compute the product of an implicit Toeplitz matrix with a vector. Parameters ---------- c : ndarray One-dimensional column of the Toeplitz matrix. It is assumed that the row `r` is given by `r = conjugate(c)`. x : (M,) or (M, K) ndarray Vector or matrix which to multiply from the right to the Toeplitz matrix. Returns ------- Toeplitz @ x : (M,) or (M, K) ndarray Result of the matrix multiplication. """ from jax.numpy.fft import fft, ifft, rfft, irfft c = c.ravel() r = c.conjugate() toepl_shp = (len(c), len(c)) x_shp = x.shape if x.shape[0] != r.shape[0] or x.ndim > 2: raise ValueError('invalid matrix product dimensions') x = x.reshape(-1, 1) if x.ndim == 1 else x.reshape(x.shape[0], -1) m = x.shape[1] dtp = np.result_type(*(i.dtype for i in (r, c, x))) r, c, x = (jnp.asarray(i, dtype=dtp) for i in (r, c, x)) embedded_col = jnp.concatenate((c, r[-1:0:-1])) # For real inputs use rfft cmplx = jnp.iscomplexobj(embedded_col) or jnp.iscomplexobj(x) ht, iht = (fft, ifft) if cmplx else (rfft, irfft) p = toepl_shp[0] + toepl_shp[1] - 1 ht_mat = ht(embedded_col, axis=0).reshape(-1, 1) ht_x = ht(x, n=p, axis=0) toepl_times_x = iht(ht_mat * ht_x, axis=0, n=p)[:toepl_shp[0], :] out_shp = (toepl_shp[0], ) if len(x_shp) == 1 else (toepl_shp[0], m) return toepl_times_x.reshape(*out_shp)
[docs] def interp_mat(grid_shape, grid_bounds, sampling_points, *, distances=None): from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix # TODO: use only JAX w/o SciPy or NumPy from jax.experimental.sparse import BCOO if sampling_points.ndim != 2: ve = f"invalid dimension of sampling_points {sampling_points.ndim!r}" raise ValueError(ve) ndim, n_points = sampling_points.shape if grid_bounds is not None and len(grid_bounds) != ndim: ve = ( f"grid_bounds of length {len(grid_bounds)} incompatible with" f" sampling_points of shape {sampling_points.shape!r}" ) raise ValueError(ve) elif grid_bounds is not None: offset = np.array(list(zip(*grid_bounds))[0]) else: offset = np.zeros(ndim) if distances is not None and np.size(distances) != ndim: ve = ( f"distances of size {np.size(distances)} incompatible with" f" sampling_points of shape {sampling_points.shape!r}" ) raise ValueError(ve) distances = np.asarray(distances) if distances is not None else None if (distances is not None and grid_bounds is not None) or (distances is None and grid_bounds is None): raise ValueError("exactly one of `distances` or `grid_shape` expected") elif grid_bounds is not None: distances = np.array( [(b[1] - b[0]) / sz for b, sz in zip(grid_bounds, grid_shape)] ) if distances is None: raise AssertionError() mg = np.mgrid[(slice(0, 2), ) * ndim].reshape(ndim, -1) pos = (sampling_points - offset.reshape(-1, 1)) / distances.reshape(-1, 1) excess, pos = np.modf(pos) pos = pos.astype(np.int64) # max_index = np.array(grid_shape).reshape(-1, 1) weights = np.zeros((2**ndim, n_points)) ii = np.zeros((2**ndim, n_points), dtype=np.int64) jj = np.zeros((2**ndim, n_points), dtype=np.int64) for i in range(2**ndim): weights[i, :] = np.abs(1 - mg[:, i].reshape(-1, 1) - excess), axis=0 ) fromi = (pos + mg[:, i].reshape(-1, 1)) # % max_index ii[i, :] = np.arange(n_points) jj[i, :] = np.ravel_multi_index(fromi, grid_shape) mat = coo_matrix( (weights.ravel(), (ii.ravel(), jj.ravel())), shape=(n_points, ) # BCOO( # (weights.ravel(), jnp.stack((ii.ravel(), jj.ravel()), axis=1)), # shape=(n_points, # ) return BCOO.from_scipy_sparse(mat).sort_indices()
[docs] class HarmonicSKI():
[docs] def __init__( self, grid_shape: Tuple[int], grid_bounds: Tuple[Tuple[float, float]], sampling_points: NDArray, harmonic_kernel: Optional[Callable] = None, padding: float = 0.5, subslice=None, jitter: Union[bool, float, None] = True ): """Instantiate a KISS-GP model of the covariance using a harmonic representation of the kernel. Parameters ---------- grid_shape : Number of pixels along each axes of the inducing points within `grid_bounds`. grid_bounds : Tuple of boundaries of length of the number of dimensions. The boundaries should denote the leftmost and rightmost edge of the modeling space. sampling_points : Locations of the modeled points within the grid. harmonic_kernel : Harmonically transformed kernel. padding : Padding factor which to apply along each axis. subslice : Slice of the inducing points which to use to model `sampling_points`. By default, the subslice is determined by the padding. jitter : Strength of the diagonal jitter which to add to the covariance. """ if jitter is True: if sampling_points.dtype.type == np.float64: self.jitter = 1e-8 elif sampling_points.dtype.type == np.float32: self.jitter = 1e-6 else: raise NotImplementedError() elif jitter is False: self.jitter = None else: self.jitter = jitter self.grid_unpadded_shape = np.asarray(grid_shape) self.grid_unpadded_bounds = np.asarray(grid_bounds) self.grid_unpadded_distances = jnp.diff( self.grid_unpadded_bounds, axis=1 ).ravel() / self.grid_unpadded_shape self.grid_unpadded_total_volume = self.grid_unpadded_shape * self.grid_unpadded_distances ) self.w = interp_mat(grid_shape, grid_bounds, sampling_points) if padding is not None and padding != 0.: pad = 1. + padding grid_shape = np.asarray(grid_shape) grid_shape_wpad = np.ceil(grid_shape * pad).astype(int) scl = grid_shape_wpad / grid_shape p = jnp.diff(jnp.asarray(grid_bounds), axis=1).ravel() * (1. - scl) grid_bounds_wpad = jnp.asarray(grid_bounds) grid_bounds_wpad =[:, 0].set( grid_bounds_wpad[:, 0].ravel() - p ) grid_bounds_wpad =[:, 1].set( grid_bounds_wpad[:, 1].ravel() + p ) if subslice is None: subslice = tuple(map(int, grid_shape)) grid_shape = grid_shape_wpad grid_bounds = grid_bounds_wpad self.grid_shape = np.asarray(grid_shape) self.grid_bounds = np.asarray(grid_bounds) self.grid_distances = jnp.diff(self.grid_bounds, axis=1).ravel() / self.grid_shape self.grid_total_volume = * self.grid_distances) self.power_distributor, self.unique_mode_lengths, _ = get_fourier_mode_distributor( self.grid_shape, self.grid_distances ) if subslice is not None: if isinstance(subslice, slice): subslice = (subslice, ) * len(self.grid_shape) elif isinstance(subslice, int): subslice = (slice(subslice), ) * len(self.grid_shape) elif isinstance(subslice, tuple): if all(isinstance(el, slice) for el in subslice): pass elif all(isinstance(el, int) for el in subslice): subslice = tuple(slice(el) for el in subslice) else: raise TypeError("elements of `subslice` of invalid type") else: raise TypeError("`subslice` of invalid type") self.grid_subslice = subslice self._harmonic_kernel = harmonic_kernel
@property def harmonic_kernel(self) -> Callable: """Yields the harmonic kernel specified during initialization or throw a `TypeError`. """ if self._harmonic_kernel is None: te = ( "either specify a fixed harmonic kernel during initialization" f" of the {self.__class__.__name__} class or provide one here" ) raise TypeError(te) return self._harmonic_kernel
[docs] def power(self, harmonic_kernel=None) -> NDArray: if harmonic_kernel is None: harmonic_kernel = self.harmonic_kernel power = harmonic_kernel(self.unique_mode_lengths) power *= self.grid_total_volume / self.grid_unpadded_total_volume return power
[docs] def amplitude(self, harmonic_kernel=None): power = self.power(harmonic_kernel) # Assume that the kernel scales linear with the total volume return jnp.sqrt(power)
[docs] def harmonic_transform(self, x) -> NDArray: return 1. / self.grid_total_volume * hartley(x)
[docs] def correlated_field(self, x, harmonic_kernel=None) -> NDArray: amp = self.amplitude(harmonic_kernel) f = self.harmonic_transform(amp[self.power_distributor] * x) if self.grid_subslice is None: return f return f[self.grid_subslice]
[docs] def sandwich(self, x, harmonic_kernel=None) -> NDArray: if self.grid_subslice is None: x_wpad = x else: x_wpad = jnp.zeros(tuple(self.grid_shape)) x_wpad =[self.grid_subslice].set(x) swd = jax.ShapeDtypeStruct(tuple(self.grid_shape), x.dtype) ht = self.harmonic_transform ht_T = jax.linear_transpose(self.harmonic_transform, swd) power = self.power(harmonic_kernel=harmonic_kernel) s = ht(power[self.power_distributor] * ht_T(x_wpad)[0]) if self.grid_subslice is None: return s return s[self.grid_subslice]
[docs] def __call__(self, x, harmonic_kernel=None) -> NDArray: """Applies the Covariance matrix.""" x_shp = x.shape jitter = 0. if self.jitter is None else self.jitter * x x = (self.w.T @ x.ravel()).reshape(tuple(self.grid_unpadded_shape)) x = self.sandwich(x, harmonic_kernel=harmonic_kernel) x = (self.w @ x.ravel()).reshape(x_shp) return x + jitter
[docs] def evaluate(self, harmonic_kernel=None): """Instantiate the full covariance matrix.""" probe = jnp.zeros(self.w.shape[0]) indices = jnp.arange(self.w.shape[0]).reshape(1, -1) return lambda idx: self([tuple(idx)].set(1.), harmonic_kernel=harmonic_kernel ).ravel(), indices.T ).T # vmap over `indices` w/ `in_axes=1, out_axes=-1`
[docs] def evaluate_(self, kernel) -> NDArray: from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix if self.jitter is None: jitter = 0. else: jitter = self.jitter * jnp.eye(self.w.shape[0]) p = [ np.linspace(*b, num=sz, endpoint=True) for b, sz in zip(self.grid_unpadded_bounds, self.grid_unpadded_shape) ] p = np.stack(np.meshgrid(*p, indexing="ij"), axis=-1).reshape(-1, len(self.grid_unpadded_shape)) kernel_inducing = kernel(distance_matrix(p, p)) return self.w @ kernel_inducing @ self.w.T + jitter
[docs] class ToeplitzSKI():
[docs] def __init__( self, grid_shape: Tuple[int], grid_bounds: Tuple[Tuple[float, float]], sampling_points: NDArray, kernel: Optional[Callable] = None, jitter: Union[bool, float, None] = True ): """Instantiate a KISS-GP model of the covariance using a Toeplitz matrix representation of the kernel. Parameters ---------- grid_shape : Number of pixels along each axes of the inducing points within `grid_bounds`. grid_bounds : Tuple of boundaries of length of the number of dimensions. The boundaries should denote the leftmost and rightmost edge of the modeling space. sampling_points : Locations of the modeled points within the grid. kernel : Position space kernel. jitter : Strength of the diagonal jitter which to add to the covariance. """ if jitter is True: if sampling_points.dtype.type == np.float64: self.jitter = 1e-8 elif sampling_points.dtype.type == np.float32: self.jitter = 1e-6 else: raise NotImplementedError() elif jitter is False: self.jitter = None else: self.jitter = jitter self.grid_shape = np.asarray(grid_shape) self.grid_bounds = np.asarray(grid_bounds) self.grid_distances = jnp.diff(self.grid_bounds, axis=1).ravel() / self.grid_shape self.ndim = len(grid_shape) d = jnp.mgrid[tuple(slice(s) for s in grid_shape)] d *= self.grid_distances.reshape((-1, ) + (1, ) * self.ndim) self.grid_distances_to_zero = jnp.linalg.norm(d, axis=0) self.w = interp_mat(grid_shape, grid_bounds, sampling_points) self._kernel = kernel
@property def kernel(self) -> Callable: """Yields the harmonic kernel specified during initialization or throw a `TypeError`. """ if self._kernel is None: te = ( "either specify a fixed kernel during initialization of the" f" {self.__class__.__name__} class or provide one here" ) raise TypeError(te) return self._kernel
[docs] def __call__(self, x, kernel=None) -> NDArray: """Applies the Covariance matrix.""" kernel = self.kernel if kernel is None else kernel x_shp = x.shape jitter = 0. if self.jitter is None else self.jitter * x x = (self.w.T @ x.ravel()).reshape(tuple(self.grid_shape)) cov_row = kernel(self.grid_distances_to_zero) x = matmul_toeplitz(cov_row, x) x = (self.w @ x.ravel()).reshape(x_shp) return x + jitter
[docs] def evaluate(self, kernel=None): """Instantiate the full covariance matrix.""" probe = jnp.zeros(self.w.shape[0]) indices = jnp.arange(self.w.shape[0]).reshape(1, -1) return lambda idx: self([tuple(idx)].set(1.), kernel=kernel).ravel( ), indices.T ).T # vmap over `indices` w/ `in_axes=1, out_axes=-1`
[docs] def evaluate_(self, kernel=None) -> NDArray: from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix kernel = self.kernel if kernel is None else kernel if self.jitter is None: jitter = 0. else: jitter = self.jitter * jnp.eye(self.w.shape[0]) p = [ np.linspace(*b, num=sz, endpoint=True) for b, sz in zip(self.grid_bounds, self.grid_shape) ] p = np.stack(np.meshgrid(*p, indexing="ij"), axis=-1).reshape(-1, len(self.grid_shape)) kernel_inducing = kernel(distance_matrix(p, p)) return self.w @ kernel_inducing @ self.w.T + jitter