Source code for

# Copyright(C) 2023 Gordian Edenhofer
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-2-Clause

import operator
from functools import partial, reduce
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from jax import numpy as jnp
from jax.tree_util import (

[docs] class ShapeWithDtype(): """Minimal helper class storing the shape and dtype of an object. Notes ----- This class may not be transparent to JAX as it shall not be flattened itself. If used in a tree-like structure. It should only be used as leave. """
[docs] def __init__( self, shape: Union[Tuple[()], Tuple[int], List[int], int], dtype=None ): """Instantiates a storage unit for shape and dtype. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple or list of int One-dimensional sequence of integers denoting the length of the object along each of the object's axis. dtype : dtype Data-type of the to-be-described object. """ from ..misc import is_iterable_of_non_iterables if isinstance(shape, int): shape = (shape, ) if isinstance(shape, list): shape = tuple(shape) if not is_iterable_of_non_iterables(shape): ve = f"invalid shape; got {shape!r}" raise TypeError(ve) self._shape = shape self._dtype = jnp.float64 if dtype is None else dtype self._size = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_leave(cls, element): """Convenience method for creating an instance of `ShapeWithDtype` from an object. To map a whole tree-like structure to a its shape and dtype use JAX's `tree_map` method like so: tree_map(ShapeWithDtype.from_leave, tree) Parameters ---------- element : tree-like structure Object from which to take the shape and data-type. Returns ------- swd : instance of ShapeWithDtype Instance storing the shape and data-type of `element`. """ if not all_leaves((element, )): ve = "tree is not flat and still contains leaves" raise ValueError(ve) return cls(jnp.shape(element), _get_dtype(element))
@property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int]: """Retrieves the shape.""" return self._shape @property def dtype(self): """Retrieves the data-type.""" return self._dtype @property def size(self) -> int: """Total number of elements.""" if self._size is None: self._size = reduce(operator.mul, self.shape, 1) return self._size @property def ndim(self) -> int: return len(self.shape) def __len__(self) -> int: if self.ndim > 0: return self.shape[0] else: # mimic numpy raise TypeError("len() of unsized object") def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, ShapeWithDtype): return False else: return (self.shape, self.dtype) == (other.shape, other.dtype) def __repr__(self): nm = self.__class__.__name__ return f"{nm}(shape={self.shape}, dtype={self.dtype})"
# TODO: overlaod basic arithmetics (see `np.broadcast_shapes((1, 2), (3, # 1), (3, 2))`) def _get_dtype(v: Any): if hasattr(v, "dtype"): return v.dtype else: return type(v)
[docs] def result_type(*trees): from numpy import result_type as result_type_np common_dtp = result_type_np( *( result_type_np(*(_get_dtype(v) for v in tree_leaves(tr))) for tr in trees ) ) return common_dtp
def _size(x): return x.size if hasattr(x, "size") else jnp.size(x)
[docs] def size(a, axis: Optional[int] = None) -> int: if axis is not None: raise TypeError("axis of an arbitrary tree is ill defined") return tree_reduce(operator.add, tree_map(_size, a))
[docs] def shape(a): return (size(a), )
def _like(x, dtype, shape, like, new): # Catch structures that plain numpy might not handle such as SWD structs if hasattr(x, "shape") and hasattr(x, "dtype"): shp = x.shape if shape is None else shape dtp = x.dtype if dtype is None else dtype return new(shape=shp, dtype=dtp) return like(x, dtype=dtype, shape=shape) zeros_like = partial( tree_map, partial(_like, dtype=None, shape=None, like=jnp.zeros_like, new=jnp.zeros) ) ones_like = partial( tree_map, partial(_like, dtype=None, shape=None, like=jnp.ones_like, new=jnp.ones) ) def _ravel(x): return x.ravel() if hasattr(x, "ravel") else jnp.ravel(x)
[docs] def norm(tree, ord=2): """**Vector** norm. Notes ----- This function assumes the input to be a vector, i.e. the default order `ord` is `2`. """ from jax.numpy.linalg import norm def el_norm(x): if jnp.ndim(x) == 0: return jnp.abs(x) return norm(_ravel(x), ord=ord) return norm(jnp.array(tree_leaves(tree_map(el_norm, tree))), ord=ord)
[docs] def dot(a, b, *, precision=None): """Returns the dot product of the two vectors. Parameters ---------- a : object Arbitrary, flatten-able objects. b : object Arbitrary, flatten-able objects. Returns ------- out : float Dot product of vectors. """ tree_of_dots = tree_map( lambda x, y:, _ravel(y), precision=precision), a, b ) return tree_reduce(operator.add, tree_of_dots, 0.)
matmul = dot
[docs] def vdot(a, b, *, precision=None): tree_of_vdots = tree_map(partial(jnp.vdot, precision=precision), a, b) return tree_reduce(jnp.add, tree_of_vdots, 0.)
def _conj(x): return x.conj() if hasattr(x, "conj") else jnp.conj(x)
[docs] def conjugate(a): """Returns the complex conjugate, component- and element-wise. Parameters ---------- a : object Arbitrary, flatten-able objects. Returns ------- out : object The complex conjugate of `a`, with same shape and dtype as `a`. """ return tree_map(_conj, a)
conj = conjugate
[docs] def where(condition, x, y): """Selects a pytree based on the condition which can be a pytree itself. Notes ----- If `condition` is not a pytree, then a partially evaluated selection is simply mapped over `x` and `y` without actually broadcasting `condition`. """ from itertools import repeat import numpy as np ts_c = tree_structure(condition) ts_x = tree_structure(x) ts_y = tree_structure(y) ts_max = (ts_c, ts_x, ts_y)[np.argmax( [ts_c.num_nodes, ts_x.num_nodes, ts_y.num_nodes] )] if ts_x.num_nodes < ts_max.num_nodes: if ts_x.num_nodes > 1: raise ValueError("can not broadcast LHS") x = ts_max.unflatten(repeat(x, ts_max.num_leaves)) if ts_y.num_nodes < ts_max.num_nodes: if ts_y.num_nodes > 1: raise ValueError("can not broadcast RHS") y = ts_max.unflatten(repeat(y, ts_max.num_leaves)) if ts_c.num_nodes < ts_max.num_nodes: if ts_c.num_nodes > 1: raise ValueError("can not map condition") return tree_map(partial(jnp.where, condition), x, y) return tree_map(jnp.where, condition, x, y)
def _unary_reduction(jax_f, name=None): name = name if name is not None else jax_f.__name__ def _safe_uni(a): return jax_f(jnp.atleast_1d(a)) def _red(a, b): return jax_f(jnp.array([a, b])) def unary_reduction(a): return tree_reduce(_red, tree_map(_safe_uni, a)) unary_reduction.__name__ = name return unary_reduction sum = _unary_reduction(jnp.sum) min = _unary_reduction(jnp.min) max = _unary_reduction(jnp.max) any = _unary_reduction(jnp.any) all = _unary_reduction(jnp.all)