Source code for nifty8.utilities

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright(C) 2013-2022 Max-Planck-Society
# NIFTy is being developed at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik.

import collections
import pickle
from functools import reduce
from itertools import product

import numpy as np

__all__ = ["get_slice_list", "safe_cast", "parse_spaces", "infer_space",
           "memo", "NiftyMeta", "my_sum", "my_lincomb_simple",
           "my_lincomb", "indent", "my_product", "frozendict",
           "special_add_at", "iscomplextype", "issingleprec",
           "value_reshaper", "lognormal_moments", "check_object_identity",
           "check_MPI_equality", "check_MPI_synced_random_state"]

[docs] def my_sum(iterable): return reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, iterable)
[docs] def my_lincomb_simple(terms, factors): terms2 = map(lambda v: v[0]*v[1], zip(terms, factors)) return my_sum(terms2)
[docs] def my_lincomb(terms, factors): terms2 = map(lambda v: v[0] if v[1] == 1. else v[0]*v[1], zip(terms, factors)) return my_sum(terms2)
[docs] def my_product(iterable): return reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, iterable)
[docs] def get_slice_list(shape, axes): """ Helper function which generates slice list(s) to traverse over all combinations of axes, other than the selected axes. Parameters ---------- shape: tuple Shape of the data array to traverse over. axes: tuple Axes which should not be iterated over. Yields ------ list The next list of indices and/or slice objects for each dimension. Raises ------ ValueError If shape is empty. If axes(axis) does not match shape. """ if shape is None: raise ValueError("shape cannot be None.") if axes: if not all(axis < len(shape) for axis in axes): raise ValueError("axes(axis) does not match shape.") axes_select = [0 if x in axes else 1 for x in range(len(shape))] axes_iterables = \ [list(range(y)) for x, y in enumerate(shape) if x not in axes] for index in product(*axes_iterables): it_iter = iter(index) slice_list = tuple( next(it_iter) if axis else slice(None, None) for axis in axes_select ) yield slice_list else: yield [slice(None, None)]
[docs] def safe_cast(tfunc, val): tmp = tfunc(val) if val != tmp: raise ValueError("value changed during cast") return tmp
[docs] def parse_spaces(spaces, nspc): nspc = safe_cast(int, nspc) if spaces is None: return tuple(range(nspc)) elif np.isscalar(spaces): spaces = (safe_cast(int, spaces),) else: spaces = tuple(safe_cast(int, item) for item in spaces) if len(spaces) == 0: return spaces tmp = tuple(set(spaces)) if tmp[0] < 0 or tmp[-1] >= nspc: raise ValueError("space index out of range") if len(tmp) != len(spaces): raise ValueError("multiply defined space indices") return spaces
[docs] def infer_space(domain, space): if space is None: if len(domain) != 1: raise ValueError("'space' index must be given for objects based on" " DomainTuples containing more than one domain") space = 0 space = int(space) if space < 0 or space >= len(domain): raise ValueError("space index out of range") return space
[docs] def memo(f): name = f.__name__ def wrapped_f(self): if not hasattr(self, "_cache"): self._cache = {} try: return self._cache[name] except KeyError: self._cache[name] = f(self) return self._cache[name] return wrapped_f
class _DocStringInheritor(type): """ A variation on by Paul McGuire """ def __new__(meta, name, bases, clsdict): if not('__doc__' in clsdict and clsdict['__doc__']): for mro_cls in (mro_cls for base in bases for mro_cls in base.mro()): doc = mro_cls.__doc__ if doc: clsdict['__doc__'] = doc break for attr, attribute in clsdict.items(): if not attribute.__doc__: for mro_cls in (mro_cls for base in bases for mro_cls in base.mro() if hasattr(mro_cls, attr)): doc = getattr(getattr(mro_cls, attr), '__doc__') if doc: if isinstance(attribute, property): clsdict[attr] = property(attribute.fget, attribute.fset, attribute.fdel, doc) else: attribute.__doc__ = doc break return super(_DocStringInheritor, meta).__new__(meta, name, bases, clsdict)
[docs] class NiftyMeta(_DocStringInheritor): pass
[docs] class frozendict( """ An immutable wrapper around dictionaries that implements the complete :py:class:`collections.Mapping` interface. It can be used as a drop-in replacement for dictionaries where immutability is desired. """ dict_cls = dict
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._dict = self.dict_cls(*args, **kwargs) self._hash = None
def __getitem__(self, key): return self._dict[key] def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._dict
[docs] def copy(self, **add_or_replace): return self.__class__(self, **add_or_replace)
def __iter__(self): return iter(self._dict) def __len__(self): return len(self._dict) def __repr__(self): return '<{} {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._dict) def __hash__(self): if self._hash is None: h = 0 for key, value in self._dict.items(): h ^= hash((key, value)) self._hash = h return self._hash
[docs] def special_add_at(a, axis, index, b): if a.dtype != b.dtype: raise TypeError("data type mismatch") sz1 = int([:axis])) sz3 = int([axis+1:])) a2 = a.reshape([sz1, -1, sz3]) b2 = b.reshape([sz1, -1, sz3]) if iscomplextype(a.dtype): dt2 = a.real.dtype a2 = a2.view(dt2) b2 = b2.view(dt2) sz3 *= 2 for i1 in range(sz1): for i3 in range(sz3): a2[i1, :, i3] += np.bincount(index, b2[i1, :, i3], minlength=a2.shape[1]) if iscomplextype(a.dtype): a2 = a2.view(a.dtype) return a2.reshape(a.shape)
[docs] def iscomplextype(dtype): if isinstance(dtype, dict): return _getunique(iscomplextype, dtype.values()) return np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating)
[docs] def issingleprec(dtype): if isinstance(dtype, dict): return _getunique(issingleprec, dtype.values()) return dtype.type in (np.float32, np.complex64)
def _getunique(f, iterable): lst = list(f(vv) for vv in iterable) if len(set(lst)) == 1: return lst[0] raise RuntimeError("Value is not unique", lst)
[docs] def indent(inp): return "\n".join(((" "+s).rstrip() for s in inp.splitlines()))
def shareRange(nwork, nshares, myshare): """Divides a number of work items as fairly as possible into a given number of shares. Parameters ---------- nwork: int number of work items nshares: int number of shares among which the work should be distributed myshare: int the share for which the range of work items is requested Returns ------- lo, hi: int index range of work items for this share """ nbase = nwork//nshares additional = nwork % nshares lo = myshare*nbase + min(myshare, additional) hi = lo + nbase + int(myshare < additional) return lo, hi def get_MPI_params_from_comm(comm): if comm is None: return 1, 0, True size = comm.Get_size() rank = comm.Get_rank() return size, rank, rank == 0 def get_MPI_params(): """Returns basic information about the MPI setup of the running script. Returns ------- comm: MPI communicator or None if MPI is detected _and_ more than one task is active, returns the world communicator, else returns None size: int the number of tasks running in total rank: int the rank of this task master: bool True if rank == 0, else False """ try: from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD size = comm.Get_size() if size == 1: return None, 1, 0, True rank = comm.Get_rank() return comm, size, rank, rank == 0 except ImportError: return None, 1, 0, True def allreduce_sum(obj, comm): """ This is a deterministic implementation of MPI allreduce Numeric addition is not associative due to rounding errors. Therefore we provide our own implementation that is consistent no matter if MPI is used and how many tasks there are. At the beginning, a list `who` is constructed, that states which obj can be found on which MPI task. Then elements are added pairwise, with increasing pair distance. In the first round, the distance between pair members is 1: v[0] := v[0] + v[1] v[2] := v[2] + v[3] v[4] := v[4] + v[5] Entries whose summation partner lies beyond the end of the array stay unchanged. When both summation partners are not located on the same MPI task, the second summand is sent to the task holding the first summand and the operation is carried out there. For the next round, the distance is doubled: v[0] := v[0] + v[2] v[4] := v[4] + v[6] v[8] := v[8] + v[10] This is repeated until the distance exceeds the length of the array. At this point v[0] contains the sum of all entries, which is then broadcast to all tasks. """ vals = list(obj) if comm is None: nobj = len(vals) who = np.zeros(nobj, dtype=np.int32) rank = 0 else: rank = comm.Get_rank() nobj_list = comm.allgather(len(vals)) all_hi = list(np.cumsum(nobj_list)) all_lo = [0] + all_hi[:-1] nobj = all_hi[-1] rank_lo_hi = [(l, h) for l, h in zip(all_lo, all_hi)] lo, hi = rank_lo_hi[rank] vals = [None]*lo + vals + [None]*(nobj-hi) who = [t for t, (l, h) in enumerate(rank_lo_hi) for cnt in range(h-l)] step = 1 while step < nobj: for j in range(0, nobj, 2*step): if j+step < nobj: # summation partner found if rank == who[j]: if who[j] == who[j+step]: # no communication required vals[j] = vals[j] + vals[j+step] vals[j+step] = None else: vals[j] = vals[j] + comm.recv(source=who[j+step]) elif rank == who[j+step]: comm.send(vals[j+step], dest=who[j]) vals[j+step] = None step *= 2 if comm is None: return vals[0] return comm.bcast(vals[0], root=who[0])
[docs] def value_reshaper(x, N): """Produce arrays of shape `(N,)`. If `x` is a scalar or array of length one, fill the target array with it. If `x` is an array, check if it has the right shape.""" x = np.asfarray(x) if x.shape in [(), (1, )]: return np.full(N, x) if N != 0 else x.reshape(()) elif x.shape == (N, ): return x raise TypeError("x and N are incompatible")
[docs] def lognormal_moments(mean, sigma, N=0): """Calculates the parameters for a normal distribution `n(x)` such that `exp(n)(x)` has the mean and standard deviation given. Used in :func:`~nifty8.normal_operators.LognormalTransform`.""" mean, sigma = (value_reshaper(param, N) for param in (mean, sigma)) if not np.all(mean > 0): raise ValueError("mean must be greater 0; got {!r}".format(mean)) if not np.all(sigma > 0): raise ValueError("sig must be greater 0; got {!r}".format(sigma)) logsigma = np.sqrt(np.log1p((sigma / mean)**2)) logmean = np.log(mean) - logsigma**2 / 2 return logmean, logsigma
def myassert(val): """Safe alternative to python's assert statement which is active even if `__debug__` is False.""" if not val: raise AssertionError
[docs] def check_object_identity(obj0, obj1): """Check if two objects are the same and throw ValueError if not.""" if obj0 is not obj1: raise ValueError(f"Mismatch:\n{obj0}\n{obj1}")
[docs] def check_MPI_equality(obj, comm, hash=False): """Check that object is the same on all MPI tasks associated to a given communicator. Raises a RuntimeError if it differs. Parameters ---------- obj : Any Python object that implements __eq__. comm : MPI communicator or None If comm is None, no check will be performed """ if comm is None: return if not _MPI_unique(obj, comm, hash=hash): raise RuntimeError("MPI tasks are not in sync")
def _MPI_unique(obj, comm, hash=False): from hashlib import blake2b obj = pickle.dumps(obj) obj = blake2b(obj).hexdigest() if hash else obj return len(set(comm.allgather(obj))) == 1
[docs] def check_MPI_synced_random_state(comm): """Check that random state is the same on all MPI tasks associated to a given communicator. Raises a RuntimeError if it differs. Parameters ---------- comm : MPI communicator or None If comm is None, no check will be performed """ from .random import getState if comm is None: return check_MPI_equality(getState(), comm)
def check_dtype_or_none(obj, domain=None): """Check that dtype is compatible with a given domain. If domain is None or a DomainTuple, the obj is checked to be either a floating dtype or None. If domain is a MultiDomain, obj can still be a single quantity and is treated like in the previous case. Or it can be a dictionary; then all its entries need to satisfy the previous condition to pass the test. Raises a TypeError if any incompatibility is detected. Parameters ---------- obj : object The object to be checked. domain : DomainTuple or MultiDomain If it is a MultiDomain, """ from .multi_domain import MultiDomain from .sugar import makeDomain if domain is not None: domain = makeDomain(domain) if isinstance(domain, MultiDomain) and isinstance(obj, dict): for kk in domain.keys(): check_dtype_or_none(obj[kk]) return check = obj in [np.float32, np.float64, float, np.complex64, np.complex128, complex, None] if not check: s = "Need to pass floating dtype (e.g. np.float64, complex) " s += f"or `None` to this function.\nHave recieved:\n{obj}" raise TypeError(s) class Nop: def nop(*args, **kw): return Nop() def __getattr__(self, _): return self.nop